I'm back!! It's been a long time, I know; but since returning from holidays (8 weeks ago), I just haven't taken the time to do much `free' writing. There's been lots of school work, visitors and housework - but not a lot of writing.
But, I won't complain, time with Mum and Dad has been good for us all. Mum and I have done a lot of talking about God and our faith - in fact, for the first time since we've known each other, Mum prayed with me. (Bit of explanation - Mum and Dad are our adopted parents, special friends we've known for many years, and have been very good to us since we've both now lost our own parents).
Mum loves nature and she sees God's wonders in every tree, sunset or little flower. I do too, but for me my relationship with a personal God is what has kept my faith strong. Over the holidays we have shared our faith with each other, discovering that we may worship differently, but we are both LOVED by a merciful and faithful God. I have always seen God as the `reachable' Father and Friend. Mum has seen Him as the great and fearful Creator. I introduced Mum to my Father and Friend, and she has introduced me to her Creator.
Recently, I've discovered I just love RAINBOWS. It hadn't been raining; but as I looked out of the car window (I wasn't driving), I saw a beautiful rainbow. Mark didn't see it, and Mum and Dad thought I'd had too many of my `happy' pills. But I'd had a bit of bad day and was feeling a little low, so God sent me his PROMISE, that He was with me.
Yesterday evening, I looked out the window - and there it was again - that RAINBOW. No rain, no clouds - just that RAINBOW. It had been a pretty good day, but still I needed that reminder of God's PROMISE.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009

Wedding fever is nearly over. Aaron and Emily have finished their honeymoon and are heading back to Sydney and the `real world'. Mark and I are still on the road enjoying our holiday. But as I prepare the wedding photos for my next scrapbook, it made me start to think of what a beautiful wedding our son and his lovely new wife had.
Emily looked like an angel, and Aaron was really `cute' too.
Their wedding, at the Hillsong Wedding Chapel, was a lot more high tec, than Mark and I had 25 years ago in our small family Church in Red Hill, Victoria. But one thing that was the same - their was a lot of love. The reception similar too, especially the nervous speech makers. But I was very proud of both my `boys'.
God was very much a part of this wedding, and in Mark's speech he gave some really encouraging words, including the passage from our wedding:
"It is not good that man should be alone. I will make
a partner suitable for him." (Genesis 2:18)
God introduced Eve, not made from Adam's head to TOP HIM; or his feet to be TRAMPLED ON by him. She was made from Adam's side, to be EQUAL WITH HIM, from under his arm to be PROTECTED by him, and near his heart, to be LOVED BY HIM. (Bob Gass)
I had hoped to share with you more of Mark's speech; but it got washed in his `wedding shirt' and is in pieces. But the part I loved most, was when he encouraged Emily and Aaron to begin each day with God's Word, Prayer; and talking and listening to one another. He admitted this is something it has taken him a long time to learn.
God truly has his hands on this marriage. Aaron and Emily, are not only very much in love, but are committed to serving the Lord in their marriage. This is the same committment Mark and I made 25 years ago. Things haven't always been perfect, as Emily and Aaron will find when they go back to the `real world'; but our committment to God and his service has not wavered.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I didn't think I'd have a chance to do any blogging this trip; but here I am on my son's computer (he's at Uni, so he doesn't know). Our trip to Sydney was very relaxing - we took our time, met up with some friends at a caravan stop, and have spent the last few days trying to find time to spend with our son.
Mark has been a little stressed out and grumpy for most of the trip - just nervous about the caravan and the wedding; but after the wedding I'm sure he'll settle down a bit. Money is his main concern! I don't know why, God always blesses us with what we need. As my old mate, Bob Gass says:
"It takes maturity to understand that if God doesn't supply it,
you don't need it. If you needed it, he'd give it to you."
I don't know if I'm mature, Mark would call me `uncaring'. My theory is - if we run out of money, we stay put until pay day. That's what Mum and Dad do!! So far, we haven't stayed in any caravan parks - our biggest expense up to date has been washing. Aaron doesn't have a washing machine yet, and the Laundrys here charge you by the `kilo', rather than the wash. Yesterday our washing costs $17 - it was to be $25, but we took out the heavier stuff. Today Mark took Aaron's clothes down to wash (he said he was running out), and it cost $35. Unbelievable!
One thing that is believable is our PRAYER and READING THE WORD has helped us on our trip. I am a great believer that starting the day in the word is the the only way to get your day started. I even made up a little song about it, but I forgot to write it down. This is something I hope I can pass on to my son and his new lovely wife. (Mark hasn't written his wedding speech yet, maybe I can add that in).
The other day Emily's Mum Ros, who is very outgoing, said that she and I should do the speeches: 1) Because our husbands are both really shy.
2) She hates Mark's jokes. Hah!! Hah!!
At the moment I am reading a great little book on PRAYER by Bob Gass. What I love about his writings are that he always follows up what he says with Scripture.
"Without time spent in prayer what do we have to draw on? You'll work harder and accomplish less because you're operating in your own strength. But after you've prayed, you'll struggle less and accomplish more because you're operating in His strength." Bob Gass
Paul had a lot to say about this, particularly in his letter to the Philippians. I wonder if this was an area they struggled in. I love Paul's encouraging words in this letter, but of course the best words are:
"I can do anything through Christ who gives me
strength." Philippians 4:13
Mark has been a little stressed out and grumpy for most of the trip - just nervous about the caravan and the wedding; but after the wedding I'm sure he'll settle down a bit. Money is his main concern! I don't know why, God always blesses us with what we need. As my old mate, Bob Gass says:
"It takes maturity to understand that if God doesn't supply it,
you don't need it. If you needed it, he'd give it to you."
I don't know if I'm mature, Mark would call me `uncaring'. My theory is - if we run out of money, we stay put until pay day. That's what Mum and Dad do!! So far, we haven't stayed in any caravan parks - our biggest expense up to date has been washing. Aaron doesn't have a washing machine yet, and the Laundrys here charge you by the `kilo', rather than the wash. Yesterday our washing costs $17 - it was to be $25, but we took out the heavier stuff. Today Mark took Aaron's clothes down to wash (he said he was running out), and it cost $35. Unbelievable!
One thing that is believable is our PRAYER and READING THE WORD has helped us on our trip. I am a great believer that starting the day in the word is the the only way to get your day started. I even made up a little song about it, but I forgot to write it down. This is something I hope I can pass on to my son and his new lovely wife. (Mark hasn't written his wedding speech yet, maybe I can add that in).
The other day Emily's Mum Ros, who is very outgoing, said that she and I should do the speeches: 1) Because our husbands are both really shy.
2) She hates Mark's jokes. Hah!! Hah!!
At the moment I am reading a great little book on PRAYER by Bob Gass. What I love about his writings are that he always follows up what he says with Scripture.
"Without time spent in prayer what do we have to draw on? You'll work harder and accomplish less because you're operating in your own strength. But after you've prayed, you'll struggle less and accomplish more because you're operating in His strength." Bob Gass
Paul had a lot to say about this, particularly in his letter to the Philippians. I wonder if this was an area they struggled in. I love Paul's encouraging words in this letter, but of course the best words are:
"I can do anything through Christ who gives me
strength." Philippians 4:13
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