Today is my one day a week I get a little bit of extra `morning' time as the school I visit is just around the corner. I get to go on a walk, without worrying about `rushing'; and after reading the Word, I sometimes get a chance to sit down and `BLOG'.
I think it is just the end of term, but I really can't wait for those `sleep in' mornings - I am just so tired. I know many people `joke seriously' about the number of holidays teachers get - but after 11 weeks of not just teaching, but `counselling, planning lessons etc; we really do need the break.
Being the recluse I am - I just need some time out from `teachers and principals'.
Recently I have been looking at why I started a BLOG. It was originally so that I could have a place to share my `writings' with others. I can't afford a publisher, so I thought maybe this way I could encourage others. I was going to transfer my original `manuscripts' - both devotionial, childrens books and educational `manuals'; but with all my journalling I haven't had time to do this.
My son asked me to write a journal - a link to him - and I have discovered at times an encouragement. He seems to take more notice of what I say now, than he ever did!! But I might find another way to do this, because my journals are a little `revealing'.
So this may be a goodbye! Maybe I am just moving on - you will still have my `links'. I am sure, that if God blesses me, I will find it very hard not to share it with you. So don't give up on me yet!!
School time!! Have a great Easter break!!
"Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world.
the way you think. Then you will know what God wants
you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and
perfect His will really is." ROMANS 12:2
" Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord,
no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it
brings you. Patient endurance is what you need now,
so you will continye to do God's will." HEBREWS 10:13
" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd
of witnessing to the life of faith, let us strip off
every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that
so easily hinders our progress. Let us run with endurance
the race that God has set before us." HEBREWS 12:1
"I am sure that God, who began this good work within you, will
continue His work until it is finally finished on that day
when Christ Jesus comes back again." PHILIPPIANS 1:6
"Be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work,
for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is useless."
"I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or
that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward
that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and
wants me to be." PHILIPPIANS 3:12
"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again.
Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding." HEBREWS 6:1
* I was trying to find a verse. I knew it, and I was sure I knew where it came from. Oh well, during my search I found all these other wonderful encouraging words. I did finally find the verse I was looking for. Aren't Bible's wonderful!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What Happens When We Pray?
As I have been feeling a little miserable of late, I decided to have a look had some of the wondrous prayers that God has answered.
1) As a mother I prayed for many years that my son would find a Church he was happy in and a lovely Christian wife. (I didn't expect it to happen so soon). But we all know - God answers prayer in his time, not ours.
2)Since we were first married, 25 years ago, I have been praying that my husband would become the spiritual leader of our home. As he now reads his Bible everyday, and last night was reading a book I gave him `Praying for Your Wife', I realized that he is on the right track.
3) Since I began leading Kids Club 2 years ago, we have been praying for more leaders and helpers. Last Friday night my co-leader and I sat watching 4 young `leaders' leading the group in games. They did a wonderful job!!
4) At Church we have also been praying for new committed members, to not only come to Church, but to become involved in ministry. For the last 3 months I have not been on the Roster for reading. Although something I love doing, it is great seeing other new faces up there.
Lately I have come to Church and Kids Club worried that I am not needed anymore. This morning I woke up feeling so unspiritual, I was sure that now my husband is becoming a spiritual leader, maybe I am `losing it'. As for Aaron, he will soon have his lovely wife to look after him - he won't need Mum anymore.
No wonder I've been feeling so miserable!! I know I can't have it both ways. Expect my prayers to be answered, and then complain when they are; but maybe this is my next step to GROWTH.
In his book, "God Came Near", Max Lucado says, in his usual challenging way:
"Perhaps changes are in the air right now. It's disrupting isn't it? You like the branch. You've grown accustomed to it. You've been a pretty good branch sitter. And then you hear the call, `I need you out on the limb'...... Regardless of the nature of the call, the consequences are the same: civil war. Though your heart may say `yes;, your feet say `no'. Eventually you are lefy staring at a bare tree and a hard choice. HIS WILL OR YOURS!!"
I sing about it all the time, I pray about it all the time - but when it comes down to it - WHY IS IT SO HARD???
Appreciate your comments!!
1) As a mother I prayed for many years that my son would find a Church he was happy in and a lovely Christian wife. (I didn't expect it to happen so soon). But we all know - God answers prayer in his time, not ours.
2)Since we were first married, 25 years ago, I have been praying that my husband would become the spiritual leader of our home. As he now reads his Bible everyday, and last night was reading a book I gave him `Praying for Your Wife', I realized that he is on the right track.
3) Since I began leading Kids Club 2 years ago, we have been praying for more leaders and helpers. Last Friday night my co-leader and I sat watching 4 young `leaders' leading the group in games. They did a wonderful job!!
4) At Church we have also been praying for new committed members, to not only come to Church, but to become involved in ministry. For the last 3 months I have not been on the Roster for reading. Although something I love doing, it is great seeing other new faces up there.
Lately I have come to Church and Kids Club worried that I am not needed anymore. This morning I woke up feeling so unspiritual, I was sure that now my husband is becoming a spiritual leader, maybe I am `losing it'. As for Aaron, he will soon have his lovely wife to look after him - he won't need Mum anymore.
No wonder I've been feeling so miserable!! I know I can't have it both ways. Expect my prayers to be answered, and then complain when they are; but maybe this is my next step to GROWTH.
In his book, "God Came Near", Max Lucado says, in his usual challenging way:
"Perhaps changes are in the air right now. It's disrupting isn't it? You like the branch. You've grown accustomed to it. You've been a pretty good branch sitter. And then you hear the call, `I need you out on the limb'...... Regardless of the nature of the call, the consequences are the same: civil war. Though your heart may say `yes;, your feet say `no'. Eventually you are lefy staring at a bare tree and a hard choice. HIS WILL OR YOURS!!"
I sing about it all the time, I pray about it all the time - but when it comes down to it - WHY IS IT SO HARD???
Appreciate your comments!!
I realize it has been a while since I've written. Recently I sabotaged a really good friendship by letting my writing get away from my brain. She said it didn't matter and it was forgotten, but when I noticed that she had taken her face off my `followers' list I knew I'd `done it again'.
Mark and I are very `recluse' people. We don't get a lot of visitors, and we don't have a lot of close friends. I always just blamed it on our `army lifestyle'; but now I think it might be just ME!!
God's Word has a lot to say about FRIENDSHIPS.
"A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17 (I'm pretty good at that one).
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24 (I try hard with this one).
"Two are better than one for they have a good return for their work. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9&10 (I thank the Lord for these people in my life.)
"He who covers an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter seperates close friends." Proverbs 17:9 (This is the one we need to be careful of).
Honesty is important, but if we let our emotions get in the way, and don't ask the Lord for guidance - our words can hurt, rather than heal!!
"The tongue is a small part of the body; but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest can be set on fire by a small spark. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. No man can tame to tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." James 3:5&6, 8
I learnt this the hard way - don't fall into the same trap!!
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25
Mark and I are very `recluse' people. We don't get a lot of visitors, and we don't have a lot of close friends. I always just blamed it on our `army lifestyle'; but now I think it might be just ME!!
God's Word has a lot to say about FRIENDSHIPS.
"A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17 (I'm pretty good at that one).
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24 (I try hard with this one).
"Two are better than one for they have a good return for their work. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9&10 (I thank the Lord for these people in my life.)
"He who covers an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter seperates close friends." Proverbs 17:9 (This is the one we need to be careful of).
Honesty is important, but if we let our emotions get in the way, and don't ask the Lord for guidance - our words can hurt, rather than heal!!
"The tongue is a small part of the body; but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest can be set on fire by a small spark. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. No man can tame to tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." James 3:5&6, 8
I learnt this the hard way - don't fall into the same trap!!
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Who do I look like?

We have a little joke in our house - though it's not really that funny! Seeing my son's grandmother was born from an affair his great-grandmother had with a doctor, that's where Aaron must have got his brains. It definitely wasn't from his parents. We also wonder where he got his looks - Mark doesn't think he looks like him at all; and my sister said he has the `Grant nose'.
I remember always being told as a child how much like my mother I was. At the time, I destested it, because Mum had died at such an early age, and I was certain that meant the same for me. Then an old friend of the family sat down with me one day and told me all about my Mum, and what a wonderful woman of God she was. From that day on, I just wanted to be like her.
Going over some old, old photos recently I found one of my Great Uncle Jack, and he looked so much like Aaron. That's where the that `nose' comes from. My sister was right.
Seriously though, It doesn't really matter where our looks come from. I know our son has a lot of my husband's personality traits - mainly the good ones (I ignore the bad ones) ; and most importantly he has a faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; a faith he may have learnt from his parents, but is his very own!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hey! I'm a Songwriter.
This morning it was my turn to take Sunday School. Everyone has their own style, and I always like to include a little music. But my theme was `Dinosaurs' - so what do we sing? I have learnt from experience, that if in doubt, `write your own'. This is what I came up with - actually it is an adaptation of a song I wrote many years ago.
"God made the world, oh can't you see.
God made the world, He made you and me.
If God made the world,
Then how great it must be.
God made the animals, the DINOSAURS too.
God made the sky and the sea so blue.
God made me, and God made you.
A little 70's I know, but the boys loved it, especially when they got to shout out, `GUESS WHAT'. Here is another 70's classic. See if you can guess which Bible story I wrote this one for?
Ten men went to see Jesus
Ten men had leprosy.
Ten men were healed by Jesus
Then they went away to tell their friends.
One man went back to Jesus
One man got down on His knees
One man said `Thank you Jesus'
For healing me of my leprosy.
Jesus want us to be thankful
Jesus wants us to be His friend.
Jesus wants to know we love Him,
And we'll be with Him to the very end.
Oh, those good old days!! Today, I decided to see if I still had the knack. I took this little poem I wrote at our last Women's Retreat, and put it to music. Before long, I felt like I was worshiping the Lord. I just wish I could play a musical instrument!!
Beautiful water, wonderful waves.
These are all ways to give God praise.
Trees blowing breezes, flowers a bloom.
All help to distinguish the glum and the gloom.
Rocks in the distance, remind me of Him.
Jesus, My Saviour, my God and my King.
Songwriting! Try it ! It's a lot of fun!!
"God made the world, oh can't you see.
God made the world, He made you and me.
If God made the world,
Then how great it must be.
God made the animals, the DINOSAURS too.
God made the sky and the sea so blue.
God made me, and God made you.
A little 70's I know, but the boys loved it, especially when they got to shout out, `GUESS WHAT'. Here is another 70's classic. See if you can guess which Bible story I wrote this one for?
Ten men went to see Jesus
Ten men had leprosy.
Ten men were healed by Jesus
Then they went away to tell their friends.
One man went back to Jesus
One man got down on His knees
One man said `Thank you Jesus'
For healing me of my leprosy.
Jesus want us to be thankful
Jesus wants us to be His friend.
Jesus wants to know we love Him,
And we'll be with Him to the very end.
Oh, those good old days!! Today, I decided to see if I still had the knack. I took this little poem I wrote at our last Women's Retreat, and put it to music. Before long, I felt like I was worshiping the Lord. I just wish I could play a musical instrument!!
Beautiful water, wonderful waves.
These are all ways to give God praise.
Trees blowing breezes, flowers a bloom.
All help to distinguish the glum and the gloom.
Rocks in the distance, remind me of Him.
Jesus, My Saviour, my God and my King.
Songwriting! Try it ! It's a lot of fun!!
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