Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hey! I'm a Songwriter.

This morning it was my turn to take Sunday School. Everyone has their own style, and I always like to include a little music. But my theme was `Dinosaurs' - so what do we sing? I have learnt from experience, that if in doubt, `write your own'. This is what I came up with - actually it is an adaptation of a song I wrote many years ago.

"God made the world, oh can't you see.
God made the world, He made you and me.
If God made the world,
Then how great it must be.

God made the animals, the DINOSAURS too.
God made the sky and the sea so blue.
God made me, and God made you.

A little 70's I know, but the boys loved it, especially when they got to shout out, `GUESS WHAT'. Here is another 70's classic. See if you can guess which Bible story I wrote this one for?

Ten men went to see Jesus
Ten men had leprosy.
Ten men were healed by Jesus
Then they went away to tell their friends.

One man went back to Jesus
One man got down on His knees
One man said `Thank you Jesus'
For healing me of my leprosy.

Jesus want us to be thankful
Jesus wants us to be His friend.
Jesus wants to know we love Him,
And we'll be with Him to the very end.

Oh, those good old days!! Today, I decided to see if I still had the knack. I took this little poem I wrote at our last Women's Retreat, and put it to music. Before long, I felt like I was worshiping the Lord. I just wish I could play a musical instrument!!

Beautiful water, wonderful waves.
These are all ways to give God praise.
Trees blowing breezes, flowers a bloom.
All help to distinguish the glum and the gloom.
Rocks in the distance, remind me of Him.
Jesus, My Saviour, my God and my King.

Songwriting! Try it ! It's a lot of fun!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're raising the stakes at Sunday school you know, ;) Good job on the songwriting!