Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Enstrangement from our Creator Has Been Healed

"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes focused on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterward. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne in Heaven." Hebrews 12:1b & 2
Right back from the beginning we know that Adam and Eve sin caused a seperation between God and his beloved children. In the Old Testament we read how His people tried to break that barrier - through sacrifices and the people of the temple. Behind a curtain in the inner sanctuary of the temple the Ark of the Lord's Covenant was placed. It was in this inner sanctuary that on the Priests were allowed to go and spend time in the Lord's presence.
Later in the Gospels, we read that at the time of Jesus' death, "darkness fell across the whole land". The "light from the sun was gone" "Suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple was torn apart". ENSTRANGEMENT FROM OUR CREATOR HAD BEEN HEALED.
When I close my eyes and pray I can see this beautiful piece of imagry. This torn curtain that now allows me to be in the presence of my Lord.
"For what great nation has a God so near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on him?" Deuteronomy 4:7
"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy and will find grace in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
"Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come fearlessly into God's presence, assured of His glad welcome." Ephesians 3:12
Everyday, in whatever situation I am in, I know that the presence of the Lord is with me. In the car, as I sleep, as I teach and even doing the housework and cooking.
"My precious princess, I am with you wherever you are. I am the friend who walks
in when the world walks out..... I want to reach you with the reality of my presence."
Love, your King and your best friend. (Sheri Rose Shepherd, "His
Princess: Love Letters from
Your King)
The greatest reality of Christ's death and resurrection is that everyone now has an opportunity to have a relationship with Christ and His Father. Every child is a princess or prince, and can have a special relationship with their King. We are no longer estranged, because of sins committed and no longer need fear God presence. We are healed, we have a new birth and eternal life. One day, because Jesus died and rose again, we will have the greatest relationship of all - when we live with Him in Heaven.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


"What we do see is Jesus, who "for a little while was made lower than the angels" and now is "crowned with glory and honour", because He suffered death for us. Yes, by God's grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone in all the world." HEBREWS 2:9
One of the things I love about Easter is singing the wonderful worship songs that remind us that "Jesus Paid it All", that the `Deliverer' took all our sins on the cross for us, and we have been `Set Free". This great assurance of forgiveness is often so overwhelming, that it is on these days that many people take their first step in accepting the Lord as their Saviour. For those of us who have walked with the Lord for many years, our faith may be renewed.
Why is it so important to have this assurance?
"He personally carried away our sins in his own body on the cross, so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. You have been healed by His wounds. Once you were wandering like lost sheep, but now you have turned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls." 1 Peter 2:24 (NLT)
I can only speak for myself, but the freedom and peace that comes from knowing I am forgiven, makes it easier to know that through the power of the Holy Spirit I can live the right way. When my friends say to me - `hey do this, or do that' and I know it is wrong, I can now say -`No', I am free from the bondage of that sin. I am no longer wandering alone and afraid, for my Shepherd is close by, ready to lift me into his arms, if I start to fall. (Psalm 37:23&2)
"He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped and we were healed. All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's path to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all." Isaiah 53:5&6 (NLT)
Peace, oh what wonderful peace we can have because of Jesus' obedience, because of the pain he suffered for us. Oh how easy it is to follow our own way and do our own thing, but now we have a new way to follow - a way without guilt or shame, because Jesus took our sins upon the cross, and we now have assurance of forgiveness.
"For all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard. Yet now God in His gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ who has freed us by taking away our sins." Romans 3:23&34 (NLT)
The part I love about this verse is that Christ has `FREED US'. We are no longer bound by the need or desire to sin. This is not saying we aren't tempted - but because of God's great kindness and Jesus' death, we have a way out. We know that by `God's grace we are saved'. Through the Holy Spirit, we can now say `no, Satan be gone', and we can have the assurance that `he will run'.
Growing up as a child, and even now I have to confess, my favourite song was one by Jenni Flack. I would sing it at all my Holiday Programs, it was often the theme of Kid's Club or Sunday School lessons; because it summed up why there was so much join and peace in my life; and why I wanted others to have this same freedom. It's called `No Fishing'.
When Jesus forgives he forgets what I've done,
And the bad things I did have now gone.
When Jesus forgives he forget what I've done,
And the bad things I did have now gone.
For He's thrown them in the deepest part
Of God's forgetful sea,
Where there's a great big sign that says
For He's thrown them in the deepest part
Of God's forgetful sea,
Where there's a great big sign that says
No fishing, no fishing, no fishing.
No fishing, no fishing, no fishing
When you're sorry for your sins that's where they go.
No fishing, no fishing, no fishing, no fishing,
They're buried deep in God's forgetful sin.
(Jenni Flack: "Jibes & Vibes" - now available at Christian bookstores and
"Jesus Paid it All" (2006) Alex Nifong, Worship Together.
"Deliver" (2010) Vicky Breeching & Sarah McIntosh, Kingsway.
"Set Free (2011) Jason Ingram, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman & Ben Fielding, Kingsway.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Power Of The Cross - Kristyn Getty

Each Person is of Value to God (need to read previous BLOG first).

In just having a quick skim over the verses related to Christ's death in the Bible, one thing becomes clear - Jesus didn't die just because he thought it would be a good thing to do at the time. Reading the Old Testament, we discover that his death was definetely a part of God's great plan. Then later we discover those verses that remind us that Jesus died for US. Jesus came to earth, lived and died to be OUR `Shepherd', to be OUR `Servant', to be OUR `Saviour.' As a little girl I lived in a Christian family. I had always heard the story of Christ's death. Yet, I had a lot of bitterness in my life due to the death of my mother, whom I never knew. I was teased and bullied at school, because in my day being the child of a single parent, no matter what the circumstances was just `not in'. One day I'd had enough and at 11 years old I decided life wasn't worth living. My father had re-married and I was going to have my very first birthday party with all my friends from school to `show off' my new Stepmother. I thought she was great, so I invited my whole class - knowing Mum could handle it. Unfortunately - nobody turned up!! Of course that meant there was lots of food left over, but there was also left a very sad and rejected young girl. As I cried myself to sleep that night, Mum came in and we talked. We talked about all my anger, my bitterness, my hurt - and she reminded me of a friend I had who loved me. She reminded me that no matter what others thought, I was of value to God, and that's why he sent His son Jesus to die. She reminded me that Jesus took all my sins and I now had could have a new life as a Child of God - free of bitterness and hurt. It took me a little while to grasp this reality that Jesus died for me - I was just a kid. It has taken me years for that reality to really sink in - many years of depression. I do believe, although I sometimes still find it hard to accept, this promise I received as a child that Jesus died for me because I am SPECIAL and of VALUE TO GOD has kept me alive. MY PRINCESS...... I CAME TO SERVE YOU. "Even when you don't feel valued, let me remind you, my princess that I - your King - came to serve you. I not only created you; I also sustain your life, comfort your spirit, and provide what you need. YOU ARE SO VALUABLE THAT I EVEN PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE AT THE CROSS TO RANSOM YOU." (Sheri Rose Shepherd) "For even I, the Son of Man came here not to be served, but to give my life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28


"But He was wounded and crushed for OUR sins. It was OUR sorrows that weighed Him down. He was beaten that WE might have peace. He was whipped and WE were healed. ALL OF US have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of US ALL". Isaiah 53:5&6 We all know WHAT happened when Jesus died. If we haven't read the Bible we most certainly would have seen `The Passion' - one persons rendition of the death of our Lord. He was `wounded and crushed', he was `beaten and whipped', he was nailed to a cross. But so often we don't take often think about `WHY' he did this. As we get closer to Easter, I have decided to take a little look at this WHY? Maybe just for my own spiritual growth, but also because someone out there in `BLOG' land might need to know. Based on 8 points summarised in a book we have been studying at our Ladies Group, by Paul E Little, "Know What You Believe", I want to look closer at the Word and how this is relevant to me, and if you are interested, can be to you. Come with me on this journey as we look at "WHAT THE CROSS TELLS US".