Friday, April 1, 2011


"But He was wounded and crushed for OUR sins. It was OUR sorrows that weighed Him down. He was beaten that WE might have peace. He was whipped and WE were healed. ALL OF US have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of US ALL". Isaiah 53:5&6 We all know WHAT happened when Jesus died. If we haven't read the Bible we most certainly would have seen `The Passion' - one persons rendition of the death of our Lord. He was `wounded and crushed', he was `beaten and whipped', he was nailed to a cross. But so often we don't take often think about `WHY' he did this. As we get closer to Easter, I have decided to take a little look at this WHY? Maybe just for my own spiritual growth, but also because someone out there in `BLOG' land might need to know. Based on 8 points summarised in a book we have been studying at our Ladies Group, by Paul E Little, "Know What You Believe", I want to look closer at the Word and how this is relevant to me, and if you are interested, can be to you. Come with me on this journey as we look at "WHAT THE CROSS TELLS US".

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