Thursday, October 30, 2008

Journal - Friday October 31st 2008

Greetings!! I notice I have two more followers - welcome!!

This week, started as last week - on a high, then down low - but I am pleased to say that it has finished on a high. I have been busy with testing, marking - which call me crazy, but I actually really enjoy. Unfortunately, it is quite monotonous and makes me really tired. (no misspellings yet).

Wednesday was not so good, but actually from there it went up. I was involved with an accident on Rosedale Rd/Gin Gin Rd. While waiting for traffic, so I could turn, a car came into the back of me. There was only a little damage to my car. I got off the road though, to get `addresses and thing' and noticed the car behind me had gone into a pole, followed by another car into his boot. The police told me it wasn't my fault, but that's what they said last time. Mark isn't even mad at me, but for the last few days I have still felt a little guilty. What made me worse was when I went to Oakwood on Wednesday afternoon and the rumours had spread. Everyone thought I was dead - except those who saw me standing on the side of the road. (still no mispellings yet, the computer doesn't know how to spell Rosedale and Oakwood).

So, after such a bad week, why I am I feeling better. Well 4 reasons:

1) Mark has been really good about it. We even went out to dinner last night, after he'd gone mad at me for buying more stuff at `Koorong'. My boot won't shut, and he's a little concerned about that, so he's taken my car into get some quotes today.

2) I received a bunch of flowers from one of my student's parents, who saw the accident. She said she thought I needed to be made to feel better. I was overwhelmed. I don't get flowers very often. Mark isn't really a flower giver!!

3) At my meeting with Wayne (my principal at Oakwood) yesterday, he said he was talking to the Principal at Elliott Heads, and she had told him how good I was. She was worrying about not having me next year.

4) On my walk today, the Lord reminded me to stop worrying about myself and start praying for the other people in the accident. I have been feeling a little down about my prayer life lately. I pray in the morning, I pray during the day - but I never seem to take time to pray when I am going into, or have been in stressful situations. Isn't that stupid!!

So - it's time to get to school for more testing, and a weekend of marking. What a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

acheater said...

your two new followers are me your son and emily's mum :-)