One of the greatest joys I have had this year has been making new friends. Our new associate minister and his wife, Bryce, Donna and their 2 wonderful children, Hannah and Joshua. They probably wonder why I annoy them so much - but it gets a bit lonely out here in the sticks, with just a husband (whom I love, but he's busy renovating a caravan at the moment), 2 dogs, a cat and 3 goats.
I tried to send some photos recently, but you might have noticed they didn't work, so I'll try again another time.
Donna is a young Mum, and although I am no longer one, I do remember what it was like having a 4 year old. In fact, it was when my son turned 4, that I decided to I no longer wanted to be a Kindergarten Teacher. Here are two devotions from my book: `The Palm of His Hand', written around that time:
"TRAIN A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO AND WHEN HE IS OLD, HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT." Proverbs 22:6 There is one person in our family who has a problem with tact; but he can be forgiven, he is only 4 years old. Aaron and I spend a lot of time waiting for buses. On one such occasion we were at this Bus Stop in Sydney. A lady was sitting next to us - smoking. No no one in our family particularly likes the smell of smoke, but we would never have said so. Except Aaron!
He went up to the lady, and in his most confident of 4 year old voices, informed her that smoking was bad. It would make him sick and it was making him sick too. He said to her, "My mum and dad don't smoke and when I grow up, I don't intend to either. I think you should stop smoking now."
After getting over the initial embarrassment - noticing the dirty look I received from the lady - I felt a little bit of pride. My little boy was standing up for what he believed in.
Later that week, in a dream I saw Aaron as a teenager, with a group of friends. They were trying to tempt him with drugs. He told them: `Wait a minute, I have to ask my Mum." "He came to me and I told him my opinion. He then returned to his friends and told them: "No! It will make me sick, and it's not going to do you much good either."
Now when Aaron becomes a teenager, I am sure he is not going to ask my permission before he does anything. In fact, he probably won't take much notice of anything I say. But I do hope that what Mark and I teach him when he is young will stick in his mind and he will endeavour to stand up for what he believes in.
God expects us, as parents, to only do our best; but we can take heart in the fact, that he will take care of the rest!
LITTLE BOYSI'm just a little boy Lord
And you know what boys are like.
We like to get real dirty,
When climbing trees and riding bikes.
I'm never really naughty Lord
And I try very hard not to sware.
Though when it comes to homework
Sometimes I don't want to care.
I go to Church on Sunday, Lord
It's not too bad, I like it that way.
I don't always listen to the minister
But Jesus, I know how to pray.
I want to go to Heaven Lord,
I want to be your child.
I hope you understand though,
It's hard for a kid to be meek and mild.
Written by Ruth Cheater.
"LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME AND DO NOT HINDER THEM, FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE." Luke 18:16This verse from the story of `Jesus and the Children', is probably one of the most significant in my life. It was the verse my stepmother taught me, to help me understand how precious I was to the Lord. Later it became the basis for my ministry with children. Now, as a mother, with new challenges and experiences to fa
There are times, like most mothers, when my child is far from perfect. I feel like a failure! Especially in those times of sickness when there is absolutely nothing I can do. Love and discipline, the Bible tell us are the basis of parenthood. The loving comes easily to me, the discipline is a bit more of a trial.
As parents, we teach by example, our children watching and listening to everything we do. It's scary and sometimes we fail. But ther most important goal we need to have as parents is to bring up our children in the ways of the Lord.
It is in this that we can take comfort in Jesus' words: "Let the children come to me", for He will always be there with his arms outstretched. We can be sure too, that there will always be some blessing left for us as parents!
"The master has come over Jordan,"said Hannah, the mother one day.
"He is healing all kinds of diseases with a touch of a finger, they say.
And now I shall take all the children, little Rachel, Samuel and John,
I shall carry the baby Esther, for the Lord to look upon."
The father looked at her kindly, but shook his head and smiled
"Now who but a doting mother would think of a thing so wild.
If the children were tortured by demons or dying of fever, dwere well,
Or had the taint of leper like many in Israel."
"Now do not hinder me Nathan, I feel such a burden of care.
If I carry it to Master, perhaps I can leave it there.
If He lays his hands on the children my heart will be lighter I know,
For a blessing forever and ever will follow them as I go."
So over the hill to Jordan, along the vine rows green,
With Esther asleep on her bosom, and Rachel, her brothers between.
Mid the people who hung on His teaching, or waited His touch or His word.
Through the row of proud Pharisees listening, she passed to the feet of the Lord.
"Now wouldn't thou hinder the Master,' said Peter, "with children like these?
See how from morning to evening He toucheth and healeth disease.
Then Christ said, "Forbid not the children, permit them to come unto me,"
And He took in His arms little Esther, little Rachel He sat in His knee.
The heavy heart of the mother was lifted all earth care above.
As He laid His hands on His brothers and blessed them with tenderest love.
He said of the babes on His bosom, `Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.'
And strength for all duty and trial that hour to her spirit was given.
Written by Dorothy Gaunson.