Welcome to all our family and friends!
I had hoped to put my Christmas Book on my Blog for you this year, but have had real trouble - mainly with the graphics. I have had a wonderful friend who wanted to help me, but it just wouldn't work - so maybe next year!!
We have had 2 wonderful Christmas letters this year from friends and my sons future inlaws. It is great to hear that they are looking after Aaron, even though we are missing him lots. We would have liked to have had he and Emily come home for Christmas and our 25th Wedding Anniversary - but money is a bit of an issue this year. Maybe next year, as husband and wife, they might visit us.
Anyway, it seems our new and old friends have had very exciting lives - going overseas and having exciting nights out at musicals. Life in Bundaberg is a bit slower, and as you read this letter, you might think - a little boring.
I guess the highlight of our year was our trip to Sydney to celebrate with Aaron and Emily, their engagement. We spent a week in a very `dingy' Motel in Manly, but we did have some good times with Aaron, Emily and her family; and attended the Hillsong Conference Meetings in the evenings. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford the whole conference; and Mark wasn't really interested. But I did come away with a real blessing: although our Kids' Club here in our Bundaberg Church isn't as wonderful as Hillsongs may be, or some of the bigger Churches here in town - we have a group of kids who come regularly and it is a blessing each week to share with them, the little we have.
We had 2 children baptized this year. Bryce (the associate minister) and myself are going to an Child Evangelical Workshop in January - and although we haven't got the leaders or helpers we would like, we hope to develop the gifts we have. As you can see - School and Kid's Club is pretty much my life. I won't go on much more about me. If you want to know more about my year, you may like to take some time to read my BLOGS.

I am really excited about how God is answering my prayers this year, as he does every year. I have always wanted Mark to be the spiritual leader in our family, and slowly and surely, there has been real growth. He has also grown a beard - and looks very Amish. I don't like it much - it must be a `change of life' thing. I guess he just wants to look like a man of the bush. I have also been blessed each week, meeting with a lovely lady from Church - my mentor. I am sure without her support and prayers I would not have got through this year, but I won't go into all that.
Another of the highlights of our year, also in June/July, was spending time with Mum and Dad `T' - they are our `adopted parents', who travel around Australia for about 9 months of the year. They always drop in and see us, and are a real blessing to us. They also looked after our house and animals for us when we went to Sydney. We brought Aaron and Emily back with us, and although we didn't really see much of them - I was working and he and Emily were out with his mates - it was a good time spent together.
I am taking 4 weeks Long Service this year, in June. After the wedding, Mark and I hope to travel a bit with Mum and Dad. We don't know where we're going yet, but I am looking forward to it. We'll have a trial run with the caravan, we hope, around Easter, getting the dogs used to caravaning too.
The most excitement Bundaberg has had this year, I suppose, was a visit by the Christian comedian, Adrian Plass. He is also Mark's favourite author. They visited one of the local Churches and it was a really fun night out.
Our Church has a new Associate Minister, and his wife and family have become a real asset to the Church. We have had a number of young families come back, and new ones. Last week, one of the young men in the Church was baptized. This was great to see. I didn't know him that well, but like most of the young men in Bundaberg, once they finish Year 12, they move out of town. I believe he is going to Bible College in Townsville.
Mark is still involved with the Playgroup, and there has been lots of changes there too, with new Mums and kids. I have been busy with after school tutoring, as well as my Chaplaincy Committee work. I am now the President of the Northside Chaplaincy Committee. We now have 13 school Chaplains in the Bundaberg schools - both Primary and Secondary. But it has all made for a very tiring year, and I am ready for a holiday.
Well, this must be the shortest Christmas letter I have ever written. I can't believe I've run out of things to say. I guess it has been a `boring' year - oh well, that's life on the `farm' in Avondale.
I am just looking forward to 2009 - I am already starting to think about Kid's Club planning. Yesterday Mark and I went swimming in the dam. He complains about the `mud', but I just love the cool water. It is pretty warm at this time of year, but as Andrew Murray says:
"He brought us here, and by His will we are in the right place. In this fact we can rest.
He will keep us in His love, and give us the grace to behave as his child.
He will make every trial a blessing, teaching us lessons. He intends for us to learn, and intends
to bestow his grace on us." Andrew Murray
Wow!! I think I will start reading some of his books this year. Meanwhile I am on a Charles Swindoll binge - His Promise from God, that keeps me going is:
"We feel hurt and alone - God assures us He cares."
"We feel angry and resentful - God provides wisdom and strength."
"We feel ashamed - God grants forgiveness and comfort."
"We feel anxious - God promises to supply all our needs."
And of course from Paul:
"In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the LOVE OF GOD that is in Christ Jesus the Lord." Romans 8:37-38.
I hope you had a great Christmas and a relaxing, invigorating holiday break. Look forward to 2009 with great anticipation - for I am sure the Lord has some exciting things in store for you. I know He has for us!!!
Lots of love and God's blessings
Ruth and Mark.
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