I have looked all through my Bible, and I can't find any positive encouragement for husbands. Oh, there is a lot of `to dos' and `don't dos' - but no - `husbands are a heritage from the Lord - a reward from him'. No - `a husband of noble character, who can find? He is worth far more than rubies.'
So, I thought I better make one up myself!! "Husbands are a blessing to their wives." Oh, they get mad sometimes when the lights are left on, the dishwasher isn't packed the right way, and `who left the printer on' - but without a husband, I wouldn't have someone to cuddle me. How would I ever get to go to Bunnings? Most of all, I wouldn't have the LOVE AND COMPANIONSHIP that I truly need.
Mark never talked much about his childhood - not that I can really talk about anyway - but one thing I do know, he didn't receive a lot of encouragement. One Christmas when Aaron was only young and we used to go down to the park for our Christmas lunches, Mark's dad came along with us. For a whole afternoon, he had gone without a drink, so when we got home he was not in the best of moods. I was putting Aaron to bed, and in the back yard I could hear the `yelling and the abuse'.
Yesterday, on the phone to his big brother, I listened with great pride. They were talking about Aaron's wedding, and how there would be no alcohol. I don't know what his brother said, but Mark's answer was: `How can you say that! Everyday on the news I see what alcohol is doing on our roads. Don't you remember what alcohol did to our family. I can't stand the stuff, and if my boy wants to have no alcohol at his wedding, it's his decision.' I
It has always been hard for Mark to encourage his son, and his wife in words. It is hard when you have a wife and son that thrive on these. Often comments that mean nothing, may seem like verbal abuse. But one thing my husband has done, which I see as a real blessing - is that he has fought against the `physical abuse and alcoholism' that could easily have become a part of his nature.
If it wasn't for my husbands love and encouragement I wouldn't have learnt how to cook, I wouldn't have reached my personal goal of becoming a teacher and although it was a real struggle (don't ever take driving lessons with your husband), I would never have got my driver's licence. No one else would have had the patience, the willingness to stay at home as a `house husband' and the committment to follow along every week to Kid's Club - to support his wife and do all those behind the scenes things I never have a chance to do.
Husbands can be a blessing to wives - if we look beyond those annoying `traits', that make you sometimes want to `give up', and find that real committment to LOVE. We've made the 25 years, so he must Young lovers - 1979.

Next generation - Young Lovers 2008!!
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