Sunday, January 4, 2009


Bundaberg Library has one of the best collections of Christian Fiction that I have ever come across - and our family have visited a lot of libraries. Over the School Holidays I have the chance to get stuck into some of them - and have even tried some new authors over the years, after making a vow never to read anything other than Janette Oke. Sorry Jan - but I am `branching out'!!

My first set of books were by VONETTE BRIGHT AND NANCY MOSER - "The Sister Circle Series'. This is a wonderful series about a group of woman and how they learnt to not only love one another, but were able to share their faith.

Vonette's desire in life is: "To see women of faith connecting, serving and supporting each other with a genuine love, so that those who do not know Christ will be drawn to them and will want to meet Him." The book not only portrays this and gives some wonderful encouragement for those of us who seek to do the same; but each chapter covers some `real life faith issues', that I'm sure many of us women face. eg. Impatience with God when things don't go our way. "When God closes a door, he opens a window". Self image - how can we replace these feelings with the knowledge that God loves us? Discontent, doubt, depression, despair - the `D words'. Can we still reach others for Christ when we are not feeling on top of everything?

I could go on, but I recommend that if you want something nice and `light' to read, but can really help with some of those `heavy' questions on your heart, READ THESE BOOKS!!

Before I read a book, I like to read about the authors, and I discovered something interesting: Vonette Bright, not only was the co-founder of Crusaders for Christ, but she was married to the author of the other great books I have read these holidays: Dr William Bright. (I only just discovered this, as I sat down to write this blog).

Along with Jack Cavanagh, Bill (who passed away in 2003), as indeed left a great legacy in this "Great Awakenings" series. These books are a little heavier and I would recommend them to all ministers to read. And, as God tells us all we are ministers in one way or another, I guess it's a great read for anyone.

Seriously, set in the time of the 1700-1800 Revivals in America, it just gets you so excited, and I have to confess, tearful (which is not something I get very often when reading), when you read about the wonderful things God did through his Churches in America, and I believe can still do in our country - Australia - today!!

In one chapter, the young minister read a sermon that his mentor had written, after he'd died. He had realized that he could not bring revival to the Church, because he was worrying too much about what people were thinking of him, rather than doing the Lord's work. It was his prayer that God would send a `troubler' - someone who would help the Church see their need for revival. "I will continue to pray for revival, confident that when it comes, it will be evident to all that God, and God alone, sent it".

I have been someone who has spent their whole life worrying about what others think of me - for different reasons - afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. It is because of this I believe I have not ministered to others as I could. It is my desire like Vonette and William to help bring revival in our land, through my work, my writing and my ministry. My prayer is that you will join me!!

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