One thing I love about teaching children the Bible, is that I always learn something myself. At the moment I have taken on the experience of teaching the younger children at Kid's Club (5-7), something I have not done for many years. I have to confess, I don't think I've got it down to an `art' yet, but at least I am learning.
This week we looked at the `Building our House on Solid Rock' - only 2 children got the idea that the `ROCK' was the Bible, but at least I did. And I can't get this song out of my mind. It is an updated version of the old, `Build Your House on the Rock', by Duggie Dug Dug, England's `Colin Buchanan'. It goes like this:
"I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
So I don't wake up to a nasty shock
To find nothing but a pile of rubble."
Jesus said, take my words and put them into action,
Make these words He said, foundations in your life.
And when the river comes and crashed up against you
You won't get washed away, instead you'll cheer and say.
Don't you love kid's songs - simple, but challenging!!
My problem at the moment is waking up on Monday morning afraid to go to work. On Sunday I prepare lessons and stuff for Staff Meetings. Feeling in the `stretch zone', I am feeling really passionate about my `kids' and my work. Come Monday morning though, it has all gone back down to the `strain'. What should be my `energy' is now `fear'. That's the only word, I can think of to describe it.
The river is coming around me, just like the fires in Melbourne and floods in North Queensland, but instead of standing, like my brothers little `brick shack' in King Lake, I am falling apart. I am getting washed away.
So I am going to stand on the WORD, build my house on a rock, and hopefully when I leave this morning, I have the joy of the Lord.
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm.
Though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds
him with His hand." PSALM 37:23&24
I have probably used this verse before in a blog - but it is one of my `foundations',so I'll probably use it again.
Here is a promise, via Charlie:
"When God is in your circumstances and you come to a dangerous
place, He magnificiently delivers. He delivers wisdom right
when you need it. He delivers protection. He delivers relief
from discouragement and internal fortification from attack.
If you run away, you nullify faith. You panic and cut God short.
You short-circuit His opportunity to do what man cannot do.
STAND FIRM! BELIEVE HIM! Give Him an opportunity to bring those
afternoon miracles. He'll come through!!"
Charles Swindoll.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Journal - Sunday 27th February
Well, I've finished reading all my `follower's' Blogs - `thanks for the picture `Ros', though I had guessed who you were. I am still waiting for one from Aaron. I know I promised to write every week, but the last two weeks have just been a `write-off'. Hah! Hah!
Seriously I survived my time without my husband, but he wasn't impressed with the housework I'd done. The first thing he did, even before the kiss and the hug, was to look at the car. Consequently, I never got my kiss and hug! After a couple of days of `sulking' and `carrying on', as husbands often do, he bought me a box of chocolates and apologized for being such a GRUMP!!
It did say, though, there is no way I am getting a NEW CAR!! I thought after driving it himself, he'd realize that the problems are not just on the outside. He did, but he also discovered how he could fix them. So, no NEW CAR!! Not that we can afford it anyway, but a woman can dream a little!!
I have also spent a bit of time in the Doctor's surgery in the last couple of weeks. I had a cancer removed from my nose, and a little skin graft done. It was painful, but you know what was worst - those silly comments you get from people. You think they'd be a little bit more imaginative: If it wasn't - `how did you leave the other guy', it was `has Mark been bashing you again'. I can take a joke, but when you've heard it for the 50th time (I think that's about how many men there are in our Church), it becomes annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will be back to normal, if that is ever possible; and to celebrate I had a haircut; which I might add, nobody noticed - not even my pastors - who are usually very observant.
Work is still pretty much the same, but I am looking forward to next week, when wonderful spiritual Mentor and I get together, not just to chat and pray, but to study God's Word together. We hope that both of us will grow a lot, as we look at an `Insight into Stress'.
According to Beverley Shepherd, there are five levels of pressure -
1) Chill out - which I think for me would be those lazy days when nothing much gets done.
2) Work out - When you are performing well.
3) Stretch - When you want to go that little bit further.
(2 & 3 are my favourites)
4) Strain - This is where I feel I am at the moment. Things are starting to go wrong - mistakes at work, failure to communicate, illness, a feeling of being unable to cope and out of control.
(Hopefully, I have caught it here, before the next stage)
5) Burnout - Feeling angry,helpless, trapped and totally depleted.
( I have been there before and I don't want to go there again. )
I hope that if you are feeling this way too, that you'll stay with me over the next months, as I share what I learn with you.
One book I suggest you read, as well as the Bible, is one that I have read a number of times since I started teaching (moving out into the big scary world). It's called `PERFECT TRUST' by Charles Swindoll.
In it he quotes a number of well known preachers, who have also gone through stressful times, maybe even leading to depression (though in their day, it wouldn't have been diagnosed).
One of these was Andrew Murray; and here was His response:
"First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me the grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends for me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, IN HIS GOOD TIME, He will bring me out again - how and when, He knows!!"
Seriously I survived my time without my husband, but he wasn't impressed with the housework I'd done. The first thing he did, even before the kiss and the hug, was to look at the car. Consequently, I never got my kiss and hug! After a couple of days of `sulking' and `carrying on', as husbands often do, he bought me a box of chocolates and apologized for being such a GRUMP!!
It did say, though, there is no way I am getting a NEW CAR!! I thought after driving it himself, he'd realize that the problems are not just on the outside. He did, but he also discovered how he could fix them. So, no NEW CAR!! Not that we can afford it anyway, but a woman can dream a little!!
I have also spent a bit of time in the Doctor's surgery in the last couple of weeks. I had a cancer removed from my nose, and a little skin graft done. It was painful, but you know what was worst - those silly comments you get from people. You think they'd be a little bit more imaginative: If it wasn't - `how did you leave the other guy', it was `has Mark been bashing you again'. I can take a joke, but when you've heard it for the 50th time (I think that's about how many men there are in our Church), it becomes annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will be back to normal, if that is ever possible; and to celebrate I had a haircut; which I might add, nobody noticed - not even my pastors - who are usually very observant.
Work is still pretty much the same, but I am looking forward to next week, when wonderful spiritual Mentor and I get together, not just to chat and pray, but to study God's Word together. We hope that both of us will grow a lot, as we look at an `Insight into Stress'.
According to Beverley Shepherd, there are five levels of pressure -
1) Chill out - which I think for me would be those lazy days when nothing much gets done.
2) Work out - When you are performing well.
3) Stretch - When you want to go that little bit further.
(2 & 3 are my favourites)
4) Strain - This is where I feel I am at the moment. Things are starting to go wrong - mistakes at work, failure to communicate, illness, a feeling of being unable to cope and out of control.
(Hopefully, I have caught it here, before the next stage)
5) Burnout - Feeling angry,helpless, trapped and totally depleted.
( I have been there before and I don't want to go there again. )
I hope that if you are feeling this way too, that you'll stay with me over the next months, as I share what I learn with you.
One book I suggest you read, as well as the Bible, is one that I have read a number of times since I started teaching (moving out into the big scary world). It's called `PERFECT TRUST' by Charles Swindoll.
In it he quotes a number of well known preachers, who have also gone through stressful times, maybe even leading to depression (though in their day, it wouldn't have been diagnosed).
One of these was Andrew Murray; and here was His response:
"First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me the grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends for me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, IN HIS GOOD TIME, He will bring me out again - how and when, He knows!!"
Friday, February 6, 2009
JOURNAL - Saturday 7th February
Well, it's Saturday, the end of another week. The week didn't start too well, but it has ended alright. My husband is away for a few days, I didn't bring any work home, and although the dogs have been driving me `batty' - I was able to sleep in just a little. They really miss their dad!!
I told the kids at Kids Club that I learnt a lesson this week. I don't think they really got the idea, but they thought it was funny. I learnt just how important it is to pray on the `good days as well as the bad'.
I'd had a great day, and was feeling so confident, I decided I would try some new `learning'. Now one thing I am not very good at is reversing. I haven't banged into any cars yet - carparks aren't too bad. It is my own driveway I have trouble with. Anyway, as Mark was away, I thought this was a good chance to practice my reversing into our `carport'. When he got back I could show him how good I was!! Of course, I forgot about the pole at the end of our porch.
Well I learnt three lessons: 1) Don't be a show off. (That's what the kids told me).
2) I don't have to be good at everything.
3) Always PRAY before you try something new!!
Don't we sometimes get so confident in our own abilities, we forget to ask for help from our Lord. Even, what we think are the simple things in life, can turn into a disaster, if we don't seek the Lord.
God had promised me, as I told you last week, "Pray to me. Trust in me' - and he keeps repeating this - when will I ever listen!!
I didn't promise my husband I would do some housework today, but I really do need to get on his `good side'. I have finally had a chance to do some more writing on my `In the Palm of His Hand' sight - see the link!! You'll discover it has taken me many years to learn His lessons, and I'm sure it will take many more!!
I told the kids at Kids Club that I learnt a lesson this week. I don't think they really got the idea, but they thought it was funny. I learnt just how important it is to pray on the `good days as well as the bad'.
I'd had a great day, and was feeling so confident, I decided I would try some new `learning'. Now one thing I am not very good at is reversing. I haven't banged into any cars yet - carparks aren't too bad. It is my own driveway I have trouble with. Anyway, as Mark was away, I thought this was a good chance to practice my reversing into our `carport'. When he got back I could show him how good I was!! Of course, I forgot about the pole at the end of our porch.
Well I learnt three lessons: 1) Don't be a show off. (That's what the kids told me).
2) I don't have to be good at everything.
3) Always PRAY before you try something new!!
Don't we sometimes get so confident in our own abilities, we forget to ask for help from our Lord. Even, what we think are the simple things in life, can turn into a disaster, if we don't seek the Lord.
God had promised me, as I told you last week, "Pray to me. Trust in me' - and he keeps repeating this - when will I ever listen!!
I didn't promise my husband I would do some housework today, but I really do need to get on his `good side'. I have finally had a chance to do some more writing on my `In the Palm of His Hand' sight - see the link!! You'll discover it has taken me many years to learn His lessons, and I'm sure it will take many more!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Pictures of God

I don't know if I've told you about my first plane trip. I was going `on my own' to attend stepmother's funeral, so you can imagine I was not in the best of moods. Not only was I a little bit nervous about flying, but a little angry that my husband and son wouldn't come to the funeral with me - but that's another story.
Looking out the window, this is what I saw in the clouds. Of course this is not my picture, but it is just as I remember - the hands of God reaching out to me. I also saw a smiley face - but I have no picture of that.
The reason I entitled `MY BOOK' `In the Palm of His Hands', is because this has always been something I really feel. Since the day of my baptism, when I felt God's loving hands lifting me up; in the days when I feel like I am stumbling, and even in the good days, I know God is with me.
Do you believe that the Bible is truly God's Word? How could you not when you see an image like this. God is in every book, in every chapter, in every word. His words are TRUE and LIVING, full of light.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Journal - February 3rd, 2009
Today is a special day. Instead of travelling into town, once a fortnight I visit my local school, just around the corner, Avondale State School. I think it has about 50 children, 2 classes and it takes about 10 minutes to get there. So I have a lot of time to go for my walk, read God's Word and even do a bit of `blogging'. I even cooked tea and put it in the slow cooker.
The past two weeks have been `difficult' - I don't know how else to explain it. Yesterday I thought I'd survived, until I went to the Staff Meeting. For Learning Support Teachers, who aren't always `valued' members of the staff, this can be a very `distressing' time, especially when you are a person, who suffers from what I like to call `rejection syndrome'.
But, I did see some light. Unfortunately for this school, like many in Bundaberg, numbers are down; and they are in danger of losing a teacher. This is always difficult for a Principal, especially when they have such a high regard for their teachers. I actually felt sorry for my principal, as I could see the tears in her eyes and I realized, she really did care for them.
She did ask if anyone was finding that this school wasn't the place for them, to put up their hand. I was tempted, but I realized nobody wanted to be the Learning Support Teacher. Don't get me wrong, I love my job - but when you get told `we haven't got time for you', `we don't want you to take a children' - it can be a little upsetting.
With times a little tough, I have decided to try a little something different with my Bible Reading in the morning - something that isn't normally recommended. After reading Isaiah with my husband (heavy going at the moment), and then a Psalm, I close my Bible and say, Lord, what is my promise for today? Then I open it up to verses like:
"I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for good and not for disaster, to give you
a future and a hope. In those days when you pray,
I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you
will find me when you seek me." Jeremiah 29:11-13
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you,
whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord
always, for the Lord God is your eternal Rock."
ISAIAH 26:3&4
"You are generous becaus of your faith. I am praying
that you will really put your generosity to work, for
in so doing you will come to an understanding of all
the good things you can do for Christ." PHILEMON 1:6
You might have gathered that these verses also have meaning to me, from past experiences and are already highlighted, experiences I have got time to go into now. It's work time!!!
The past two weeks have been `difficult' - I don't know how else to explain it. Yesterday I thought I'd survived, until I went to the Staff Meeting. For Learning Support Teachers, who aren't always `valued' members of the staff, this can be a very `distressing' time, especially when you are a person, who suffers from what I like to call `rejection syndrome'.
But, I did see some light. Unfortunately for this school, like many in Bundaberg, numbers are down; and they are in danger of losing a teacher. This is always difficult for a Principal, especially when they have such a high regard for their teachers. I actually felt sorry for my principal, as I could see the tears in her eyes and I realized, she really did care for them.
She did ask if anyone was finding that this school wasn't the place for them, to put up their hand. I was tempted, but I realized nobody wanted to be the Learning Support Teacher. Don't get me wrong, I love my job - but when you get told `we haven't got time for you', `we don't want you to take a children' - it can be a little upsetting.
With times a little tough, I have decided to try a little something different with my Bible Reading in the morning - something that isn't normally recommended. After reading Isaiah with my husband (heavy going at the moment), and then a Psalm, I close my Bible and say, Lord, what is my promise for today? Then I open it up to verses like:
"I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for good and not for disaster, to give you
a future and a hope. In those days when you pray,
I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you
will find me when you seek me." Jeremiah 29:11-13
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you,
whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord
always, for the Lord God is your eternal Rock."
ISAIAH 26:3&4
"You are generous becaus of your faith. I am praying
that you will really put your generosity to work, for
in so doing you will come to an understanding of all
the good things you can do for Christ." PHILEMON 1:6
You might have gathered that these verses also have meaning to me, from past experiences and are already highlighted, experiences I have got time to go into now. It's work time!!!
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