Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Pictures of God

I don't know if I've told you about my first plane trip. I was going `on my own' to attend stepmother's funeral, so you can imagine I was not in the best of moods. Not only was I a little bit nervous about flying, but a little angry that my husband and son wouldn't come to the funeral with me - but that's another story.

Looking out the window, this is what I saw in the clouds. Of course this is not my picture, but it is just as I remember - the hands of God reaching out to me. I also saw a smiley face - but I have no picture of that.

The reason I entitled `MY BOOK' `In the Palm of His Hands', is because this has always been something I really feel. Since the day of my baptism, when I felt God's loving hands lifting me up; in the days when I feel like I am stumbling, and even in the good days, I know God is with me.

Do you believe that the Bible is truly God's Word? How could you not when you see an image like this. God is in every book, in every chapter, in every word. His words are TRUE and LIVING, full of light.

1 comment:

Mark C said...

Hay, Ruth says that no one leaves comments on her blog well I guess I'll be the first.
Like the last picture of the cloud formation I wonder if it was adjusted in anyway.
still interesting al the same.
well thats my comment for the moment
From Mark C her husbane