In Lamentations 3:24, Jeremiah says `The Lord is my inheritance; therefore I will hope in Him'.
In the previous verses Jeremiah is filled with anger and bitterness. He has been homeless, sick and `his chains have been heavy'. Yet even in all this, a few minutes later he is reminding himself, that there is surely HOPE in the Lord.
Now and then I start to feel a little `down in the dumps' as Jeremiah puts it - `My endurance has perished, so has my hope from the Lord.' I know my husband thinks a lot about what we don't have rather than what we do. It seems to be the way of a husband and father - as they feel they have no inheritance (financial) to leave to their family. Without a job myself at the moment, I also have experience this `fear' that I have nothing to leave my family. Not just financially, but hope for a future. I feel my family and friends must have lost their faith and confidence in me. I know I have.
But then, I read verses like this from Jeremiah (NLT), when I discover that the Lord is my inheritance. My hope is in Him - and this is what I want most to give to leave my family as their inheritance too.
"The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him and seek Him. So it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord."
At Bible study last week I shared with the ladies about my loving earthly father and how because of His love I am able to experience the same wonderful love with my Heavenly Father. I have often shared how the determination and courage of my earthly mother when she died of cancer. Then I remember how my step mother would be up every morning praying for each member of her family. Their understanding that the Lord was their inheritance and their HOPE was in the Lord is what keeps me going even on those days when my `endurance has perished.'
I guess not many people read my BLOGS - I don't have a lot of followers or get lots of comments; but I hope I can be a blessing to some people, for this is my INHERITANCE. For the LORD IS TRULY MY INHERITANCE, AND MY HOPE COMES ONLY FROM HIM.

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