Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Protection for the New Year.

A few years ago, my friend and mentor gave me this little box of promises - Bible verses for each day. It always sat on my desk at school, so it wasn't surprizing that it turned up in one of the boxes of classroom `stuff'.

This morning I opened it up and have decided that it will be one of the inspirations for my BLOG this year. My first promise for 2011 - "God will put His angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:11

I am certain I am going to need a lot of that protection as I move into this new year - for unlike other years where I have felt secure in my work and my home, this year I am faced with uncertainty. Even as an army wife, I always knew - even if we moved - that their would be a home and a job waiting for us at the other end. But with this year of uncertainty comes a wonderful opportunity to TRUST THE LORD.

Another inspiration for my BLOGS this year will be some `old (updated) Bible Studies and Sermons I have written in the past. Even though what they say may have been for a different time or situation - the same theme runs through them all - "I am with you, I will protect you. I have never let you down before and I am not about to start now". Just, TRUST IN ME."

Finally - for Christmas I received a little book called: "His Princess - Love Letters from Your King", by Sheri Rose Shepherd. As it would be breaching copyright for me to write out each letter, though I will at times just let you some of the promises God has given me through reading these `letters'. I do encourage you though to find this book and read it. It is one of the best discoveries you can make when you realize you are HIS PRINCESS. I believe there is one written for HIS PRINCES too, written by Sheri's husband. I intend to get it for my husband and son one of these days.

Come with me on a journey this year - a somewhat uncertain journey, but a journey of FAITH. With me, I pray you can make some discoveries and strengthen that bond that I hope you have with your Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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