Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As believers some of us are called into ministries that will thrust us into worldwide recognitions. Others of us will be behind the scenes.

I always loved serving together with my husband Mark. We made a good team. I was a Leader, and he worked behind the scenes doing all those things that made my leadership position easier. I loved to TEACH, he loved to HELP. But his work was just as important, him not more important than mine. We were both called to SERVE, using the gifts God has blessed us with.

Every place we go in and everything we do is part of God's great plan. People will come to know the Lord through whatever `ministry' and service he has placed us in.

Many of us, as servants, struggle with pride, the need for recognition and honour. King Hezekiah did. I guess it would be easy too if you were a King in charge of a whole country too. Yet even Jesus' disciples struggled with pride - simple men like you and me. It is encouraging to know that that the disciples needed to learn to serve, but many of us are still in the learning process.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the one of the least
of these brothers, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40

Sometimes, like the disciples, we feel tired and unappreciated. We may not want to change our plans, we like it our way. But we need to follow in the steps of Jesus - our servant.

One thing we can be sure of is that when Jesus calls us to serve, we need to be obedient. Sometimes what God asks us to do may seem too hard. It helps to have Jesus' example.

"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work."
John 4:34

Sometimes we may not feel qualified enough and we will make excuses, just like Moses, Gideon and Jeremiah.

Moses: "What if they do not believe me? O Lord I have never been eloquent. I am slow of speech and tongue."

Sound familiar!

Gideon: "But Lord, how can I save Israel. My clan is the weakest and I am the least in my family"

Ever felt this way!

Jeremiah: "Ah, Sovereign Lord, I do not know how to speak, I am a child."

We are all children!

Jesus did not call us to part-time service. We can't just be Sunday Christians. Every morning when you wake up, pray that God will send people to you who need your help. If we are sensitive to the God's leading, through the Holy Spirit, we will never miss an opportunity to serve.

We are to have a servant's heart so that others may see His love in us. He may be calling you to a new vision, or wants you to persevere in the `ministry' you are in. Whatever it is - remember, BE OBEDIENT - Jesus was. DON'T MAKE EXCUSES - Jesus didn't. Be a FULL TIME SERVANT - Jesus was.

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