Friday, February 4, 2011

Be Careful of `False Prophets'.

Lynn Austin has written a wonderful series of books about the three Kings in the Bible. Having read in 2 Kings 21 about Hezekiah's son Manasseh's rule, I wasn't sure I wanted to read Book 4.

"Manasseh was 12 years old when he became King...... He did what was

evil in the Lord's sight, imitating the detestable practices of the pagan

nations....." 2 Kings 2:1&2.

Hezekiah and been a wonderful King who had faithfully served the Lord. I couldn't understand how his son could be so evil and forget the ways of his father.

In her book, Lynn introduces us to another character Zerah, a supposed medium. As a young man, Manasseh wanted to know about his future. He was easily led astray by Zerah, who was able to twist the Word of the Lord in the Torah. He was able to bring out what we might call today `new age' thinking, and Manasseh was lead to believe that the Priests of the true God were wrong, and that this new way of worshiping was the right way.

"He practiced sorcery and divination, and he consulted with mediums

and psychics." 2 Kings 21:6

The more Mannasseh listened to these mediums and psychics, the more evil he became and the angrier God became with him.

In her `note to the reader', Lynn reminds us that this `so called, New Age movement is centuries old.' These pagan beliefs are rooted in the four lies used by Satan in the Garden of Eden and are not only condemned by God in ancient times, but they still are.

What scares me most though, is how easy it is someone to become lured into practicing these acts. How easy it is for someone to twist scripture and use it out of context. I ask you to be aware, seek God's guidance continually, and don't fall into Satin's trap.

"As believers, we must cling to and protect the purity of our faith entrusted to us while proclaiming the fact that all other religious pratices are false".

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
John 14:16.

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