Monday, January 2, 2012

Trust & Obey , There is No Other Way

I was visiting a elder and his wife who had not been well. It was part of my pastoral care duties, and Aaron was with me. I should have been perfectly safe - I was doing the Lord's work. Unfortunately, his wife wasn't home and I was just a naive young woman, so I stepped inside the house. I stepped into his room and before I knew it, I was not a naive young woman anymore.

This week I had arranged with our church's business manager to take a trip into Brisbane to help get books for our Bookstore. `Books' - my favourite word. `Christian Bookstore' - no worries. Then why am I so nervous. Why can't I sleep? I know what I'll do - I'll ring him in the morning and give him some excuse. I probably shouldn't go.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to get on the computer and there was an email - `arrangements have been made for next week. Oh, and Penny is on holidays so she'll be coming too.' It is hard to explain the relief I felt.

It was 20 years ago. That church elder who took away my naivety is dead. In fact, the Church does not even exist anymore. Why do I still have these feelings?

In the past few weeks I am been putting together a new `resume'. There is a section that asks for referees, and a little place to put a few of their comments. Ah! I have been putting this off. Oh I know my boss always seems to have nice things to say to me, but she has also said some hurtful things at times and we don't always agree. My Principal and Mentor - we have had a really good positive working relationship over the years - but there was that one time.

My mate, Charles Swindoll, wrote a whole book, called `Perfect Trust'. I've read it through, with my Bible by my side, probably at least 5 times. I have a pretty good handle on how to `trust the Lord with all my heart'. In fact it is my favourite bible verse. I can sing `Trust and Obey,' there is no other way' with gusto. It is one of my favourite hymns. I have no problem trusting God, so why do I have a problem trusting other people and myself.

Good question! Well, I've decided to seek out an answer. Back to my Bible, back to Charlie's little book and maybe Dr Henry might have some words of wisdom in this area. One things for sure - I need to do a lot praying.

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