It has been months since I have had a chance to write. It has therefore taken me days to try and work out how to get back on my BLOG. My BLOG address finally worked, and then I couldn't send a POST. I forgot my password. Now I am back on track, I can't stop writing.
It was about 6 years ago, at the beginning of a Christmas Service, we received a TEXT. Now if Mark had shown it to me in the sermon, I might not have reacted so, but it happened while singing a Christmas carol. The TEXT said: "Mary has died".
If you have read my other BLOG, "In the Hands of God", you will know that Mary was my big sister. She had been fighting bone cancer for many years. We knew she was near the end and was getting reading to travel down to Melbourne to see her, probably for the last time. I suddenly realized I wouldn't be seeing her, and the tears started.
I started thinking about my Dad, and that got me missing him as well, along with the rest of the family, for I also realized I was the only one left. It was at Mary's funeral that I suddenly realized that what a wonderful Christmas they would be having with the Lord.
I know that some Churches believe that when we die we don't go straight to Heaven, but it was my old mate, Chuck Swindoll that reminded me a few days ago that as a Christian we need to believe that our family and friends are with the Lord. This faith not only gives us comfort in our grief; but takes away any fear we may have of moving on when we die.
Every Christmas as I celebrate with my small family - husband, son and now his lovely wife - I can't help but think about the wonderful time, my larger family are having in Heaven. This understanding does give me COMFORT, but more so, it gives me STRENGTH, as I too face a `CERTAIN' future.
Friday, December 25, 2009
What a day? I can't believe it is Christmas already. We are without a `base', so we have travelled to Sydney to spend Christmas with Aaron & Emily (our son and new daughter in law), and her family.
The trip has gone really well, except for one little nitch - we blew 2 tyres on the caravan. The first - at Raymond Terrace - was easy to fix; but the other, on the highway coming into to Sydney was not so easy. Not only was the tyre a mess, but as it was Christmas Eve, communication was not as good - the NRMA got a little confused, and we sat by the side of the road, with the 2 dogs for 3 hours.
Funny enough, Mark didn't get as stressed as I thought, as he TRUSTED the NRMA. Our prayers weren't answered as early as we thought, but they were answered.
Then something really funny - well, I think it was, and it reminded me so much of our Christian life. Mark has this great little machine, called a GPS, and he usually takes real notice of it - he trusts it with his life; a little like I do with my Bible. But when we got into Sydney, the GPS took us a different way than we'd gone before. Well, was Mark confused - do I follow the GPS or go my own way. Fortunately, he decided to follow the GPS, because as much as I love my husband, in this case, I think if we'd gone his way, we would have got lost.
Seriously - as Christians we have made a decision to TRUST THE LORD and HIS WORD. I guess because I've been doing it longer it is easier for me; but sometimes we still want to do things our OWN WAY. I am trying to help Mark see that he has made this decision to follow Christ, and He can trust Him with every detail of His life - `cause' ultimately, HE DOES CARE.
"Am I a God near at hand", says the Lord, "and not a God afar off".
"Be strong and brave. Don't be afraid.... and don't be frightened,
because the Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave
you or forget you." DEUTERONOMY 31:6
"Where can I flee from Your Presence? If I take the wings of the
morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there
Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."
PSALM 139:7-9
The trip has gone really well, except for one little nitch - we blew 2 tyres on the caravan. The first - at Raymond Terrace - was easy to fix; but the other, on the highway coming into to Sydney was not so easy. Not only was the tyre a mess, but as it was Christmas Eve, communication was not as good - the NRMA got a little confused, and we sat by the side of the road, with the 2 dogs for 3 hours.
Funny enough, Mark didn't get as stressed as I thought, as he TRUSTED the NRMA. Our prayers weren't answered as early as we thought, but they were answered.
Then something really funny - well, I think it was, and it reminded me so much of our Christian life. Mark has this great little machine, called a GPS, and he usually takes real notice of it - he trusts it with his life; a little like I do with my Bible. But when we got into Sydney, the GPS took us a different way than we'd gone before. Well, was Mark confused - do I follow the GPS or go my own way. Fortunately, he decided to follow the GPS, because as much as I love my husband, in this case, I think if we'd gone his way, we would have got lost.
Seriously - as Christians we have made a decision to TRUST THE LORD and HIS WORD. I guess because I've been doing it longer it is easier for me; but sometimes we still want to do things our OWN WAY. I am trying to help Mark see that he has made this decision to follow Christ, and He can trust Him with every detail of His life - `cause' ultimately, HE DOES CARE.
"Am I a God near at hand", says the Lord, "and not a God afar off".
"Be strong and brave. Don't be afraid.... and don't be frightened,
because the Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave
you or forget you." DEUTERONOMY 31:6
"Where can I flee from Your Presence? If I take the wings of the
morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there
Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."
PSALM 139:7-9
Moving Day
Well, school is finished for 2009! Our Bundaberg life of service is about to end! Feeling nervous? Well I have to confess, up until a few weeks ago when our furniture was being placed into the truck - it wasn't real; but now - yes - I guess I am a little nervous. But it must be something about my personality, because actually I am more excited than nervous - I love moving on!!
It is my husband I am worried about. Although he keeps telling everyone how wonderfully everything is falling into place - he is a little worried about what the future holds. Will my new job work out? Will he be able to get work at all? Will we find a place we can afford to rent?
I don't have all the answers; but one thing I do know - GOD DOES!! I can't help it - I just have to TRUST HIM!!!
On December 16th, as they were packing away our luggage, I opened up my `Word for Today' devotional booklet and this is what I read:
"God can move so quickly that one day it feels like all hell has broken loose in your life.......... The Bible uses words like straightway, immediately, and suddenly, to remind us that when God moves we must be ready to move too........ Don't let discouragement dull your faith or procrastination steal your opportunity....... You've got to decide whether you're going to accept what God has for you and move forward, or return to your house......Nothing is more important than what God is saying and doing in your life NOW; not what's going on in your house, not the actions or opinions of others. What matters is being READY!!" WORD FOR TODAY (Dec 16th)
Of course the writer was talking about preparing for the second coming of Christ, but it seemed appropriate for Mark and I, as we prepare for what God has in store for us on the Gold Coast.
In the last few weeks Mark and I have been reading 1 & 2 Timothy, and as Paul continues to encourage Timothy in his ministry, I too have felt encouraged to take the next steps in our ministry.
Finally, from my old mate Max - these words of encouragement:
"Mark it down. YOU WILL NEVER GO WHERE GOD IS NOT. You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, reassigned or hospitilized, but - brand this TRUTH on your heart - YOU CAN NEVER GO WHERE GOD IS NOT." EVERY DAY DESERVES A CHANCE (Max Lucado)
I understand my husband's concerns, and having not taught a Year 1 class before - I am going into the unknown. But I have learnt from experience, and I know Mark has too - that GOD IS IN THE UNKNOWN!!
Please pray for us - for Mark's faith, and God's guidance as we start this new venture!!
It is my husband I am worried about. Although he keeps telling everyone how wonderfully everything is falling into place - he is a little worried about what the future holds. Will my new job work out? Will he be able to get work at all? Will we find a place we can afford to rent?
I don't have all the answers; but one thing I do know - GOD DOES!! I can't help it - I just have to TRUST HIM!!!
On December 16th, as they were packing away our luggage, I opened up my `Word for Today' devotional booklet and this is what I read:
"God can move so quickly that one day it feels like all hell has broken loose in your life.......... The Bible uses words like straightway, immediately, and suddenly, to remind us that when God moves we must be ready to move too........ Don't let discouragement dull your faith or procrastination steal your opportunity....... You've got to decide whether you're going to accept what God has for you and move forward, or return to your house......Nothing is more important than what God is saying and doing in your life NOW; not what's going on in your house, not the actions or opinions of others. What matters is being READY!!" WORD FOR TODAY (Dec 16th)
Of course the writer was talking about preparing for the second coming of Christ, but it seemed appropriate for Mark and I, as we prepare for what God has in store for us on the Gold Coast.
In the last few weeks Mark and I have been reading 1 & 2 Timothy, and as Paul continues to encourage Timothy in his ministry, I too have felt encouraged to take the next steps in our ministry.
Finally, from my old mate Max - these words of encouragement:
"Mark it down. YOU WILL NEVER GO WHERE GOD IS NOT. You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, reassigned or hospitilized, but - brand this TRUTH on your heart - YOU CAN NEVER GO WHERE GOD IS NOT." EVERY DAY DESERVES A CHANCE (Max Lucado)
I understand my husband's concerns, and having not taught a Year 1 class before - I am going into the unknown. But I have learnt from experience, and I know Mark has too - that GOD IS IN THE UNKNOWN!!
Please pray for us - for Mark's faith, and God's guidance as we start this new venture!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
God's Promises of Late.
When I am a little nervous about something I usually tend to do a lot more reading and writing - and funny God seems to speak to me a lot more through His word.
This morning Mark and I were reading, as we have been, the book of Jeremiah. It's been a little slow going, but in the last couple of weeks we have got into the `meat' and encouragement, as we read about the Potter. Today, we were in chapter 27, beginning at verse 7. It's entitled `Jeremiah's complaint'. It may have just been paranoia (a symptom of depression), but Jeremiah was feeling weary, ridiculed and overpowered by evil; exactly how I have been feeling lately.
But Jeremiah also said, (a little paraphrased), that even will all this negativity, he couldn't stop himself from talking about the Lord.
"His word is in my heart like a fire; a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in, indeed I cannot." Verse 9b
All his friends were waiting for him to slip, but the victory he felt in the Lord was overwhelming.
"The Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. My persecutors
will stumble and not prevail." Verse 11.
Finally, he is ready to sing praises to the Lord.
"Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life
of the needy from the hands of the wicked." Verse 13.
Jeremiah was feeling down, but he knew there was one person who would listen to him. He was struggling with decisions , he felt God had let him down a little - yet, he also knew that God was a great LISTENER!!
Through this communication between Jeremiah and God, Jeremiah received new strength to go forth and serve the Lord.
Charlie also had some encouraging words for me today:
"As difficult as it may be for you to believe this today, the Master
knows what He's doing. Your Saviour knows your breaking point.
The bruising, crushing and melting process is designed to reshape
you, not ruin you........ Aching friend, STAND FAST. Just like David
(and Jeremiah), God's hand is in your heartache. If you weren't
important do you think He would take this long and work this hard
on your life. Those whom God uses most effectively have been
hammered, filed and tempered in the furnace of trials and heartache."
Yet, in this place of exhaustion and spiritual fatigue, He will give us
rest. All we need to do is come to Him - talk to Him, listen to Him in
silence and thoroughly lose yourself in the HIDING PLACE of His
presence." Charles R SWINDOLL ("Encourage Me", 1982, Zondervan
Publishing House.)
Henry W BAKER (17th Century)
This morning Mark and I were reading, as we have been, the book of Jeremiah. It's been a little slow going, but in the last couple of weeks we have got into the `meat' and encouragement, as we read about the Potter. Today, we were in chapter 27, beginning at verse 7. It's entitled `Jeremiah's complaint'. It may have just been paranoia (a symptom of depression), but Jeremiah was feeling weary, ridiculed and overpowered by evil; exactly how I have been feeling lately.
But Jeremiah also said, (a little paraphrased), that even will all this negativity, he couldn't stop himself from talking about the Lord.
"His word is in my heart like a fire; a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in, indeed I cannot." Verse 9b
All his friends were waiting for him to slip, but the victory he felt in the Lord was overwhelming.
"The Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. My persecutors
will stumble and not prevail." Verse 11.
Finally, he is ready to sing praises to the Lord.
"Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life
of the needy from the hands of the wicked." Verse 13.
Jeremiah was feeling down, but he knew there was one person who would listen to him. He was struggling with decisions , he felt God had let him down a little - yet, he also knew that God was a great LISTENER!!
Through this communication between Jeremiah and God, Jeremiah received new strength to go forth and serve the Lord.
Charlie also had some encouraging words for me today:
"As difficult as it may be for you to believe this today, the Master
knows what He's doing. Your Saviour knows your breaking point.
The bruising, crushing and melting process is designed to reshape
you, not ruin you........ Aching friend, STAND FAST. Just like David
(and Jeremiah), God's hand is in your heartache. If you weren't
important do you think He would take this long and work this hard
on your life. Those whom God uses most effectively have been
hammered, filed and tempered in the furnace of trials and heartache."
Yet, in this place of exhaustion and spiritual fatigue, He will give us
rest. All we need to do is come to Him - talk to Him, listen to Him in
silence and thoroughly lose yourself in the HIDING PLACE of His
presence." Charles R SWINDOLL ("Encourage Me", 1982, Zondervan
Publishing House.)
Henry W BAKER (17th Century)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Faith & Promises!!
I'm back!! It's been a long time, I know; but since returning from holidays (8 weeks ago), I just haven't taken the time to do much `free' writing. There's been lots of school work, visitors and housework - but not a lot of writing.
But, I won't complain, time with Mum and Dad has been good for us all. Mum and I have done a lot of talking about God and our faith - in fact, for the first time since we've known each other, Mum prayed with me. (Bit of explanation - Mum and Dad are our adopted parents, special friends we've known for many years, and have been very good to us since we've both now lost our own parents).
Mum loves nature and she sees God's wonders in every tree, sunset or little flower. I do too, but for me my relationship with a personal God is what has kept my faith strong. Over the holidays we have shared our faith with each other, discovering that we may worship differently, but we are both LOVED by a merciful and faithful God. I have always seen God as the `reachable' Father and Friend. Mum has seen Him as the great and fearful Creator. I introduced Mum to my Father and Friend, and she has introduced me to her Creator.
Recently, I've discovered I just love RAINBOWS. It hadn't been raining; but as I looked out of the car window (I wasn't driving), I saw a beautiful rainbow. Mark didn't see it, and Mum and Dad thought I'd had too many of my `happy' pills. But I'd had a bit of bad day and was feeling a little low, so God sent me his PROMISE, that He was with me.
Yesterday evening, I looked out the window - and there it was again - that RAINBOW. No rain, no clouds - just that RAINBOW. It had been a pretty good day, but still I needed that reminder of God's PROMISE.
But, I won't complain, time with Mum and Dad has been good for us all. Mum and I have done a lot of talking about God and our faith - in fact, for the first time since we've known each other, Mum prayed with me. (Bit of explanation - Mum and Dad are our adopted parents, special friends we've known for many years, and have been very good to us since we've both now lost our own parents).
Mum loves nature and she sees God's wonders in every tree, sunset or little flower. I do too, but for me my relationship with a personal God is what has kept my faith strong. Over the holidays we have shared our faith with each other, discovering that we may worship differently, but we are both LOVED by a merciful and faithful God. I have always seen God as the `reachable' Father and Friend. Mum has seen Him as the great and fearful Creator. I introduced Mum to my Father and Friend, and she has introduced me to her Creator.
Recently, I've discovered I just love RAINBOWS. It hadn't been raining; but as I looked out of the car window (I wasn't driving), I saw a beautiful rainbow. Mark didn't see it, and Mum and Dad thought I'd had too many of my `happy' pills. But I'd had a bit of bad day and was feeling a little low, so God sent me his PROMISE, that He was with me.
Yesterday evening, I looked out the window - and there it was again - that RAINBOW. No rain, no clouds - just that RAINBOW. It had been a pretty good day, but still I needed that reminder of God's PROMISE.
Friday, June 19, 2009

Wedding fever is nearly over. Aaron and Emily have finished their honeymoon and are heading back to Sydney and the `real world'. Mark and I are still on the road enjoying our holiday. But as I prepare the wedding photos for my next scrapbook, it made me start to think of what a beautiful wedding our son and his lovely new wife had.
Emily looked like an angel, and Aaron was really `cute' too.
Their wedding, at the Hillsong Wedding Chapel, was a lot more high tec, than Mark and I had 25 years ago in our small family Church in Red Hill, Victoria. But one thing that was the same - their was a lot of love. The reception similar too, especially the nervous speech makers. But I was very proud of both my `boys'.
God was very much a part of this wedding, and in Mark's speech he gave some really encouraging words, including the passage from our wedding:
"It is not good that man should be alone. I will make
a partner suitable for him." (Genesis 2:18)
God introduced Eve, not made from Adam's head to TOP HIM; or his feet to be TRAMPLED ON by him. She was made from Adam's side, to be EQUAL WITH HIM, from under his arm to be PROTECTED by him, and near his heart, to be LOVED BY HIM. (Bob Gass)
I had hoped to share with you more of Mark's speech; but it got washed in his `wedding shirt' and is in pieces. But the part I loved most, was when he encouraged Emily and Aaron to begin each day with God's Word, Prayer; and talking and listening to one another. He admitted this is something it has taken him a long time to learn.
God truly has his hands on this marriage. Aaron and Emily, are not only very much in love, but are committed to serving the Lord in their marriage. This is the same committment Mark and I made 25 years ago. Things haven't always been perfect, as Emily and Aaron will find when they go back to the `real world'; but our committment to God and his service has not wavered.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I didn't think I'd have a chance to do any blogging this trip; but here I am on my son's computer (he's at Uni, so he doesn't know). Our trip to Sydney was very relaxing - we took our time, met up with some friends at a caravan stop, and have spent the last few days trying to find time to spend with our son.
Mark has been a little stressed out and grumpy for most of the trip - just nervous about the caravan and the wedding; but after the wedding I'm sure he'll settle down a bit. Money is his main concern! I don't know why, God always blesses us with what we need. As my old mate, Bob Gass says:
"It takes maturity to understand that if God doesn't supply it,
you don't need it. If you needed it, he'd give it to you."
I don't know if I'm mature, Mark would call me `uncaring'. My theory is - if we run out of money, we stay put until pay day. That's what Mum and Dad do!! So far, we haven't stayed in any caravan parks - our biggest expense up to date has been washing. Aaron doesn't have a washing machine yet, and the Laundrys here charge you by the `kilo', rather than the wash. Yesterday our washing costs $17 - it was to be $25, but we took out the heavier stuff. Today Mark took Aaron's clothes down to wash (he said he was running out), and it cost $35. Unbelievable!
One thing that is believable is our PRAYER and READING THE WORD has helped us on our trip. I am a great believer that starting the day in the word is the the only way to get your day started. I even made up a little song about it, but I forgot to write it down. This is something I hope I can pass on to my son and his new lovely wife. (Mark hasn't written his wedding speech yet, maybe I can add that in).
The other day Emily's Mum Ros, who is very outgoing, said that she and I should do the speeches: 1) Because our husbands are both really shy.
2) She hates Mark's jokes. Hah!! Hah!!
At the moment I am reading a great little book on PRAYER by Bob Gass. What I love about his writings are that he always follows up what he says with Scripture.
"Without time spent in prayer what do we have to draw on? You'll work harder and accomplish less because you're operating in your own strength. But after you've prayed, you'll struggle less and accomplish more because you're operating in His strength." Bob Gass
Paul had a lot to say about this, particularly in his letter to the Philippians. I wonder if this was an area they struggled in. I love Paul's encouraging words in this letter, but of course the best words are:
"I can do anything through Christ who gives me
strength." Philippians 4:13
Mark has been a little stressed out and grumpy for most of the trip - just nervous about the caravan and the wedding; but after the wedding I'm sure he'll settle down a bit. Money is his main concern! I don't know why, God always blesses us with what we need. As my old mate, Bob Gass says:
"It takes maturity to understand that if God doesn't supply it,
you don't need it. If you needed it, he'd give it to you."
I don't know if I'm mature, Mark would call me `uncaring'. My theory is - if we run out of money, we stay put until pay day. That's what Mum and Dad do!! So far, we haven't stayed in any caravan parks - our biggest expense up to date has been washing. Aaron doesn't have a washing machine yet, and the Laundrys here charge you by the `kilo', rather than the wash. Yesterday our washing costs $17 - it was to be $25, but we took out the heavier stuff. Today Mark took Aaron's clothes down to wash (he said he was running out), and it cost $35. Unbelievable!
One thing that is believable is our PRAYER and READING THE WORD has helped us on our trip. I am a great believer that starting the day in the word is the the only way to get your day started. I even made up a little song about it, but I forgot to write it down. This is something I hope I can pass on to my son and his new lovely wife. (Mark hasn't written his wedding speech yet, maybe I can add that in).
The other day Emily's Mum Ros, who is very outgoing, said that she and I should do the speeches: 1) Because our husbands are both really shy.
2) She hates Mark's jokes. Hah!! Hah!!
At the moment I am reading a great little book on PRAYER by Bob Gass. What I love about his writings are that he always follows up what he says with Scripture.
"Without time spent in prayer what do we have to draw on? You'll work harder and accomplish less because you're operating in your own strength. But after you've prayed, you'll struggle less and accomplish more because you're operating in His strength." Bob Gass
Paul had a lot to say about this, particularly in his letter to the Philippians. I wonder if this was an area they struggled in. I love Paul's encouraging words in this letter, but of course the best words are:
"I can do anything through Christ who gives me
strength." Philippians 4:13
Friday, May 8, 2009
I can't stop sharing!!
I know I promised that I would move on and you wouldn't have to listen to my journalling anymore. But I just have to share about the wonderful way God is working in my life at the moment. Like my father (see earlier blog) I have faced a lot of grief in my life, and have lived with depression for many years.
Recently I was reading a book with a friend, and in it was one of those `grief timelines' - you know the denial, the anger, the depression - which is always where I have seemed to stop. I have never been able to get past that `level'.
As you know, recently I changed workplaces - and CHANGE can sometimes be a type of grief, depending on whether it is a positive or negative change. I started off with the denial, the anger - then there was the trying to change the situation myself, rather than leaning on God - and of course the depression.
In this book we are reading, I discovered too more levels, after the depression - 1) Trials and 2) Victory (or words to that effect). In the last few weeks, I have felt that I am moving out of the depression stage, for the first time, since being diagnosed in 1998. I am not ready to go off the medication (I've tried that before, but with clinical depression, it doesn't work); I still have my bad days. But now I see them as trials. Trials, that with the help of the Lord, my family and friends, can lead to victory.
I still go to school every Wednesday and Friday, and without fail will get into `trouble' - in some jobs you just can't make anybody happy. But instead of the tears, and the `giving up' mentality - I now have the `you can get through this, because the Lord wants you here.' I now don't wake up every morning, dreading going to work. I don't come home at the end of each day depressed, and ready to quit. I wake up ready to face what the Lord has in store for me, to give myself in service to others, and to come home excited about how God has used me that day.
I may not be in the total VICTORY stage, and may never get there. But I am learning how to have victory in those `small things' each day, victory you can only have through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Therefore, we, who have fled to him for refuge,
can take new courage, for we can hold on to his
promises with CONFIDENCE. This CONFIDENCE is like
a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls."
HEBREWS 6:18&19
At my old Church I used to be one of the WORSHIP LEADERS. I would always choose a song that summed up how I was feeling that week, and it usually related really well to the `theme' of the rest of the service. If I was worship leading this week my song would be `VICTORY IN JESUS" (yes, I am a hymn person.)
In 1939, the author of this hymn Eugene M Bartlett had a serious stroke and was partially paralyzed. He used to travel around with his music ministry, but now he was confined to his bed. But, as he said, `I can still study the Bible'. he struggled to put down words on paper, and this is one of the songs he wrote.
"I heard and old, old story, how a Saviour came in glory
How He gave His life on calvary to save a wretch like me.
I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood atoning,
Then I repented of my sins and won the victory.
I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing
How He mad the lame to walk again, and caused the blind to see.
And then I cried, `Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit'
And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory.
I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory.
And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea.
About the angels singing, and the old redemption story
And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory.
Eugene M Bartlett, 1939. (The Complete Book of Hymns: William & Ardythe Peterson)
Recently I was reading a book with a friend, and in it was one of those `grief timelines' - you know the denial, the anger, the depression - which is always where I have seemed to stop. I have never been able to get past that `level'.
As you know, recently I changed workplaces - and CHANGE can sometimes be a type of grief, depending on whether it is a positive or negative change. I started off with the denial, the anger - then there was the trying to change the situation myself, rather than leaning on God - and of course the depression.
In this book we are reading, I discovered too more levels, after the depression - 1) Trials and 2) Victory (or words to that effect). In the last few weeks, I have felt that I am moving out of the depression stage, for the first time, since being diagnosed in 1998. I am not ready to go off the medication (I've tried that before, but with clinical depression, it doesn't work); I still have my bad days. But now I see them as trials. Trials, that with the help of the Lord, my family and friends, can lead to victory.
I still go to school every Wednesday and Friday, and without fail will get into `trouble' - in some jobs you just can't make anybody happy. But instead of the tears, and the `giving up' mentality - I now have the `you can get through this, because the Lord wants you here.' I now don't wake up every morning, dreading going to work. I don't come home at the end of each day depressed, and ready to quit. I wake up ready to face what the Lord has in store for me, to give myself in service to others, and to come home excited about how God has used me that day.
I may not be in the total VICTORY stage, and may never get there. But I am learning how to have victory in those `small things' each day, victory you can only have through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Therefore, we, who have fled to him for refuge,
can take new courage, for we can hold on to his
promises with CONFIDENCE. This CONFIDENCE is like
a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls."
HEBREWS 6:18&19
At my old Church I used to be one of the WORSHIP LEADERS. I would always choose a song that summed up how I was feeling that week, and it usually related really well to the `theme' of the rest of the service. If I was worship leading this week my song would be `VICTORY IN JESUS" (yes, I am a hymn person.)
In 1939, the author of this hymn Eugene M Bartlett had a serious stroke and was partially paralyzed. He used to travel around with his music ministry, but now he was confined to his bed. But, as he said, `I can still study the Bible'. he struggled to put down words on paper, and this is one of the songs he wrote.
"I heard and old, old story, how a Saviour came in glory
How He gave His life on calvary to save a wretch like me.
I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood atoning,
Then I repented of my sins and won the victory.
I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing
How He mad the lame to walk again, and caused the blind to see.
And then I cried, `Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit'
And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory.
I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory.
And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea.
About the angels singing, and the old redemption story
And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory.
Eugene M Bartlett, 1939. (The Complete Book of Hymns: William & Ardythe Peterson)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I should be!!
I SHOULD BE doing the vacuming but I just don't have the energy - it is still so warm for this time of year. I SHOULD BE doing some school work - but I can't get my brain into gear. I SHOULD BE finishing the filing - but most of the stuff is Mark's. I really am good at making excuses!!
Recently I was `told' by a friend that I am also quite good at COMPLAINING (not really in those words, but I got her drift). I SHOULD BE on the reading and helper roster - it's been 5 months now. I SHOULD BE able to buy myself something now and then without getting our account being overdrawn - I do earn the money. I SHOULD BE able to `quit' my job - I am just not happy at the moment.
Don't we have a lot of `SHOULD BE's' in our lives? Things we don't want to do and things we want to do, but God has other ideas.
"In everything you do, stay away from complaining
and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of
blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent
lives as children of God in a dark world full of
crooked and perverse people. Let your light shine
brightly before them." Philippians 2:14&15
I visited a friend in hospital this morning, and not surprisingly she was feeling a little negative. She was unhappy with the doctors, unhappy with her treatment, and simply bored. I asked her if there was anything I could bring her, and her answer surprized me - `just yourself'.
Why was I surprized? Well, she isn't really what you would call a `people person'; and I have been a little negative myself lately - I'd be the last person you'd want around.
As our minister said this morning, 'The best thing to do when your feeling depressed, is to do something for someone else - to think about the needs of others, rather than yourself.'.
When you are in a `SHOULD BE' mood - lazy and selfish, full of complaints - put your eyes in the WORD and your thoughts on SOMEONE ELSE. It works wonders!!
Recently I was `told' by a friend that I am also quite good at COMPLAINING (not really in those words, but I got her drift). I SHOULD BE on the reading and helper roster - it's been 5 months now. I SHOULD BE able to buy myself something now and then without getting our account being overdrawn - I do earn the money. I SHOULD BE able to `quit' my job - I am just not happy at the moment.
Don't we have a lot of `SHOULD BE's' in our lives? Things we don't want to do and things we want to do, but God has other ideas.
"In everything you do, stay away from complaining
and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of
blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent
lives as children of God in a dark world full of
crooked and perverse people. Let your light shine
brightly before them." Philippians 2:14&15
I visited a friend in hospital this morning, and not surprisingly she was feeling a little negative. She was unhappy with the doctors, unhappy with her treatment, and simply bored. I asked her if there was anything I could bring her, and her answer surprized me - `just yourself'.
Why was I surprized? Well, she isn't really what you would call a `people person'; and I have been a little negative myself lately - I'd be the last person you'd want around.
As our minister said this morning, 'The best thing to do when your feeling depressed, is to do something for someone else - to think about the needs of others, rather than yourself.'.
When you are in a `SHOULD BE' mood - lazy and selfish, full of complaints - put your eyes in the WORD and your thoughts on SOMEONE ELSE. It works wonders!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Daddy Dear!!

I have been looking over some old photos of my Dad's family, preparing for my next Scrapbook (which I can't afford to do at the moment). He loved the beach and playing cricket with his dad. Then there were the soldiering days After the war, it was life as a farmer, and then with my Mum, into Bible College. (all before my time).
What I remember is an `old man', who each night would sit us on his knee, tell us Bible Stories and sing us songs. I remember a man who told me all about how Jesus had died for me and that he wanted to be my friend.
As I sat in the Good Friday service this morning, one of the members got up to sing a solo; and if I didn't know better, I would have thought it was my dad. He just loved singing in Church - he just loved PRAISING THE LORD! Whether it be words or music, THANKS seem to flow from his lips.
Although I never knew him, I know my Dad loved his brother, who had drowned as a young teenager. Dad loved my Mum who died when she was a young mother. I remember the great times we had with his parents, before they passed away. Dad struggled with depression and grief, most of his life. But what I remember most is those arms raised and that voice full of the joy to the Lord. Thanks Dad!!
"Always be JOYFUL. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be THANKFUL, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18
Monday, March 30, 2009
Today is my one day a week I get a little bit of extra `morning' time as the school I visit is just around the corner. I get to go on a walk, without worrying about `rushing'; and after reading the Word, I sometimes get a chance to sit down and `BLOG'.
I think it is just the end of term, but I really can't wait for those `sleep in' mornings - I am just so tired. I know many people `joke seriously' about the number of holidays teachers get - but after 11 weeks of not just teaching, but `counselling, planning lessons etc; we really do need the break.
Being the recluse I am - I just need some time out from `teachers and principals'.
Recently I have been looking at why I started a BLOG. It was originally so that I could have a place to share my `writings' with others. I can't afford a publisher, so I thought maybe this way I could encourage others. I was going to transfer my original `manuscripts' - both devotionial, childrens books and educational `manuals'; but with all my journalling I haven't had time to do this.
My son asked me to write a journal - a link to him - and I have discovered at times an encouragement. He seems to take more notice of what I say now, than he ever did!! But I might find another way to do this, because my journals are a little `revealing'.
So this may be a goodbye! Maybe I am just moving on - you will still have my `links'. I am sure, that if God blesses me, I will find it very hard not to share it with you. So don't give up on me yet!!
School time!! Have a great Easter break!!
"Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world.
the way you think. Then you will know what God wants
you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and
perfect His will really is." ROMANS 12:2
" Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord,
no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it
brings you. Patient endurance is what you need now,
so you will continye to do God's will." HEBREWS 10:13
" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd
of witnessing to the life of faith, let us strip off
every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that
so easily hinders our progress. Let us run with endurance
the race that God has set before us." HEBREWS 12:1
"I am sure that God, who began this good work within you, will
continue His work until it is finally finished on that day
when Christ Jesus comes back again." PHILIPPIANS 1:6
"Be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work,
for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is useless."
"I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or
that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward
that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and
wants me to be." PHILIPPIANS 3:12
"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again.
Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding." HEBREWS 6:1
* I was trying to find a verse. I knew it, and I was sure I knew where it came from. Oh well, during my search I found all these other wonderful encouraging words. I did finally find the verse I was looking for. Aren't Bible's wonderful!!!
I think it is just the end of term, but I really can't wait for those `sleep in' mornings - I am just so tired. I know many people `joke seriously' about the number of holidays teachers get - but after 11 weeks of not just teaching, but `counselling, planning lessons etc; we really do need the break.
Being the recluse I am - I just need some time out from `teachers and principals'.
Recently I have been looking at why I started a BLOG. It was originally so that I could have a place to share my `writings' with others. I can't afford a publisher, so I thought maybe this way I could encourage others. I was going to transfer my original `manuscripts' - both devotionial, childrens books and educational `manuals'; but with all my journalling I haven't had time to do this.
My son asked me to write a journal - a link to him - and I have discovered at times an encouragement. He seems to take more notice of what I say now, than he ever did!! But I might find another way to do this, because my journals are a little `revealing'.
So this may be a goodbye! Maybe I am just moving on - you will still have my `links'. I am sure, that if God blesses me, I will find it very hard not to share it with you. So don't give up on me yet!!
School time!! Have a great Easter break!!
"Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world.
the way you think. Then you will know what God wants
you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and
perfect His will really is." ROMANS 12:2
" Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord,
no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it
brings you. Patient endurance is what you need now,
so you will continye to do God's will." HEBREWS 10:13
" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd
of witnessing to the life of faith, let us strip off
every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that
so easily hinders our progress. Let us run with endurance
the race that God has set before us." HEBREWS 12:1
"I am sure that God, who began this good work within you, will
continue His work until it is finally finished on that day
when Christ Jesus comes back again." PHILIPPIANS 1:6
"Be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work,
for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is useless."
"I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or
that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward
that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and
wants me to be." PHILIPPIANS 3:12
"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again.
Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding." HEBREWS 6:1
* I was trying to find a verse. I knew it, and I was sure I knew where it came from. Oh well, during my search I found all these other wonderful encouraging words. I did finally find the verse I was looking for. Aren't Bible's wonderful!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What Happens When We Pray?
As I have been feeling a little miserable of late, I decided to have a look had some of the wondrous prayers that God has answered.
1) As a mother I prayed for many years that my son would find a Church he was happy in and a lovely Christian wife. (I didn't expect it to happen so soon). But we all know - God answers prayer in his time, not ours.
2)Since we were first married, 25 years ago, I have been praying that my husband would become the spiritual leader of our home. As he now reads his Bible everyday, and last night was reading a book I gave him `Praying for Your Wife', I realized that he is on the right track.
3) Since I began leading Kids Club 2 years ago, we have been praying for more leaders and helpers. Last Friday night my co-leader and I sat watching 4 young `leaders' leading the group in games. They did a wonderful job!!
4) At Church we have also been praying for new committed members, to not only come to Church, but to become involved in ministry. For the last 3 months I have not been on the Roster for reading. Although something I love doing, it is great seeing other new faces up there.
Lately I have come to Church and Kids Club worried that I am not needed anymore. This morning I woke up feeling so unspiritual, I was sure that now my husband is becoming a spiritual leader, maybe I am `losing it'. As for Aaron, he will soon have his lovely wife to look after him - he won't need Mum anymore.
No wonder I've been feeling so miserable!! I know I can't have it both ways. Expect my prayers to be answered, and then complain when they are; but maybe this is my next step to GROWTH.
In his book, "God Came Near", Max Lucado says, in his usual challenging way:
"Perhaps changes are in the air right now. It's disrupting isn't it? You like the branch. You've grown accustomed to it. You've been a pretty good branch sitter. And then you hear the call, `I need you out on the limb'...... Regardless of the nature of the call, the consequences are the same: civil war. Though your heart may say `yes;, your feet say `no'. Eventually you are lefy staring at a bare tree and a hard choice. HIS WILL OR YOURS!!"
I sing about it all the time, I pray about it all the time - but when it comes down to it - WHY IS IT SO HARD???
Appreciate your comments!!
1) As a mother I prayed for many years that my son would find a Church he was happy in and a lovely Christian wife. (I didn't expect it to happen so soon). But we all know - God answers prayer in his time, not ours.
2)Since we were first married, 25 years ago, I have been praying that my husband would become the spiritual leader of our home. As he now reads his Bible everyday, and last night was reading a book I gave him `Praying for Your Wife', I realized that he is on the right track.
3) Since I began leading Kids Club 2 years ago, we have been praying for more leaders and helpers. Last Friday night my co-leader and I sat watching 4 young `leaders' leading the group in games. They did a wonderful job!!
4) At Church we have also been praying for new committed members, to not only come to Church, but to become involved in ministry. For the last 3 months I have not been on the Roster for reading. Although something I love doing, it is great seeing other new faces up there.
Lately I have come to Church and Kids Club worried that I am not needed anymore. This morning I woke up feeling so unspiritual, I was sure that now my husband is becoming a spiritual leader, maybe I am `losing it'. As for Aaron, he will soon have his lovely wife to look after him - he won't need Mum anymore.
No wonder I've been feeling so miserable!! I know I can't have it both ways. Expect my prayers to be answered, and then complain when they are; but maybe this is my next step to GROWTH.
In his book, "God Came Near", Max Lucado says, in his usual challenging way:
"Perhaps changes are in the air right now. It's disrupting isn't it? You like the branch. You've grown accustomed to it. You've been a pretty good branch sitter. And then you hear the call, `I need you out on the limb'...... Regardless of the nature of the call, the consequences are the same: civil war. Though your heart may say `yes;, your feet say `no'. Eventually you are lefy staring at a bare tree and a hard choice. HIS WILL OR YOURS!!"
I sing about it all the time, I pray about it all the time - but when it comes down to it - WHY IS IT SO HARD???
Appreciate your comments!!
I realize it has been a while since I've written. Recently I sabotaged a really good friendship by letting my writing get away from my brain. She said it didn't matter and it was forgotten, but when I noticed that she had taken her face off my `followers' list I knew I'd `done it again'.
Mark and I are very `recluse' people. We don't get a lot of visitors, and we don't have a lot of close friends. I always just blamed it on our `army lifestyle'; but now I think it might be just ME!!
God's Word has a lot to say about FRIENDSHIPS.
"A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17 (I'm pretty good at that one).
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24 (I try hard with this one).
"Two are better than one for they have a good return for their work. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9&10 (I thank the Lord for these people in my life.)
"He who covers an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter seperates close friends." Proverbs 17:9 (This is the one we need to be careful of).
Honesty is important, but if we let our emotions get in the way, and don't ask the Lord for guidance - our words can hurt, rather than heal!!
"The tongue is a small part of the body; but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest can be set on fire by a small spark. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. No man can tame to tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." James 3:5&6, 8
I learnt this the hard way - don't fall into the same trap!!
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25
Mark and I are very `recluse' people. We don't get a lot of visitors, and we don't have a lot of close friends. I always just blamed it on our `army lifestyle'; but now I think it might be just ME!!
God's Word has a lot to say about FRIENDSHIPS.
"A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17 (I'm pretty good at that one).
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24 (I try hard with this one).
"Two are better than one for they have a good return for their work. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9&10 (I thank the Lord for these people in my life.)
"He who covers an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter seperates close friends." Proverbs 17:9 (This is the one we need to be careful of).
Honesty is important, but if we let our emotions get in the way, and don't ask the Lord for guidance - our words can hurt, rather than heal!!
"The tongue is a small part of the body; but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest can be set on fire by a small spark. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. No man can tame to tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." James 3:5&6, 8
I learnt this the hard way - don't fall into the same trap!!
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Who do I look like?

We have a little joke in our house - though it's not really that funny! Seeing my son's grandmother was born from an affair his great-grandmother had with a doctor, that's where Aaron must have got his brains. It definitely wasn't from his parents. We also wonder where he got his looks - Mark doesn't think he looks like him at all; and my sister said he has the `Grant nose'.
I remember always being told as a child how much like my mother I was. At the time, I destested it, because Mum had died at such an early age, and I was certain that meant the same for me. Then an old friend of the family sat down with me one day and told me all about my Mum, and what a wonderful woman of God she was. From that day on, I just wanted to be like her.
Going over some old, old photos recently I found one of my Great Uncle Jack, and he looked so much like Aaron. That's where the that `nose' comes from. My sister was right.
Seriously though, It doesn't really matter where our looks come from. I know our son has a lot of my husband's personality traits - mainly the good ones (I ignore the bad ones) ; and most importantly he has a faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; a faith he may have learnt from his parents, but is his very own!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hey! I'm a Songwriter.
This morning it was my turn to take Sunday School. Everyone has their own style, and I always like to include a little music. But my theme was `Dinosaurs' - so what do we sing? I have learnt from experience, that if in doubt, `write your own'. This is what I came up with - actually it is an adaptation of a song I wrote many years ago.
"God made the world, oh can't you see.
God made the world, He made you and me.
If God made the world,
Then how great it must be.
God made the animals, the DINOSAURS too.
God made the sky and the sea so blue.
God made me, and God made you.
A little 70's I know, but the boys loved it, especially when they got to shout out, `GUESS WHAT'. Here is another 70's classic. See if you can guess which Bible story I wrote this one for?
Ten men went to see Jesus
Ten men had leprosy.
Ten men were healed by Jesus
Then they went away to tell their friends.
One man went back to Jesus
One man got down on His knees
One man said `Thank you Jesus'
For healing me of my leprosy.
Jesus want us to be thankful
Jesus wants us to be His friend.
Jesus wants to know we love Him,
And we'll be with Him to the very end.
Oh, those good old days!! Today, I decided to see if I still had the knack. I took this little poem I wrote at our last Women's Retreat, and put it to music. Before long, I felt like I was worshiping the Lord. I just wish I could play a musical instrument!!
Beautiful water, wonderful waves.
These are all ways to give God praise.
Trees blowing breezes, flowers a bloom.
All help to distinguish the glum and the gloom.
Rocks in the distance, remind me of Him.
Jesus, My Saviour, my God and my King.
Songwriting! Try it ! It's a lot of fun!!
"God made the world, oh can't you see.
God made the world, He made you and me.
If God made the world,
Then how great it must be.
God made the animals, the DINOSAURS too.
God made the sky and the sea so blue.
God made me, and God made you.
A little 70's I know, but the boys loved it, especially when they got to shout out, `GUESS WHAT'. Here is another 70's classic. See if you can guess which Bible story I wrote this one for?
Ten men went to see Jesus
Ten men had leprosy.
Ten men were healed by Jesus
Then they went away to tell their friends.
One man went back to Jesus
One man got down on His knees
One man said `Thank you Jesus'
For healing me of my leprosy.
Jesus want us to be thankful
Jesus wants us to be His friend.
Jesus wants to know we love Him,
And we'll be with Him to the very end.
Oh, those good old days!! Today, I decided to see if I still had the knack. I took this little poem I wrote at our last Women's Retreat, and put it to music. Before long, I felt like I was worshiping the Lord. I just wish I could play a musical instrument!!
Beautiful water, wonderful waves.
These are all ways to give God praise.
Trees blowing breezes, flowers a bloom.
All help to distinguish the glum and the gloom.
Rocks in the distance, remind me of Him.
Jesus, My Saviour, my God and my King.
Songwriting! Try it ! It's a lot of fun!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Build Your House on Solid Rock
One thing I love about teaching children the Bible, is that I always learn something myself. At the moment I have taken on the experience of teaching the younger children at Kid's Club (5-7), something I have not done for many years. I have to confess, I don't think I've got it down to an `art' yet, but at least I am learning.
This week we looked at the `Building our House on Solid Rock' - only 2 children got the idea that the `ROCK' was the Bible, but at least I did. And I can't get this song out of my mind. It is an updated version of the old, `Build Your House on the Rock', by Duggie Dug Dug, England's `Colin Buchanan'. It goes like this:
"I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
So I don't wake up to a nasty shock
To find nothing but a pile of rubble."
Jesus said, take my words and put them into action,
Make these words He said, foundations in your life.
And when the river comes and crashed up against you
You won't get washed away, instead you'll cheer and say.
Don't you love kid's songs - simple, but challenging!!
My problem at the moment is waking up on Monday morning afraid to go to work. On Sunday I prepare lessons and stuff for Staff Meetings. Feeling in the `stretch zone', I am feeling really passionate about my `kids' and my work. Come Monday morning though, it has all gone back down to the `strain'. What should be my `energy' is now `fear'. That's the only word, I can think of to describe it.
The river is coming around me, just like the fires in Melbourne and floods in North Queensland, but instead of standing, like my brothers little `brick shack' in King Lake, I am falling apart. I am getting washed away.
So I am going to stand on the WORD, build my house on a rock, and hopefully when I leave this morning, I have the joy of the Lord.
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm.
Though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds
him with His hand." PSALM 37:23&24
I have probably used this verse before in a blog - but it is one of my `foundations',so I'll probably use it again.
Here is a promise, via Charlie:
"When God is in your circumstances and you come to a dangerous
place, He magnificiently delivers. He delivers wisdom right
when you need it. He delivers protection. He delivers relief
from discouragement and internal fortification from attack.
If you run away, you nullify faith. You panic and cut God short.
You short-circuit His opportunity to do what man cannot do.
STAND FIRM! BELIEVE HIM! Give Him an opportunity to bring those
afternoon miracles. He'll come through!!"
Charles Swindoll.
This week we looked at the `Building our House on Solid Rock' - only 2 children got the idea that the `ROCK' was the Bible, but at least I did. And I can't get this song out of my mind. It is an updated version of the old, `Build Your House on the Rock', by Duggie Dug Dug, England's `Colin Buchanan'. It goes like this:
"I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
I'm gonna build my house on solid rock,
So I don't wake up to a nasty shock
To find nothing but a pile of rubble."
Jesus said, take my words and put them into action,
Make these words He said, foundations in your life.
And when the river comes and crashed up against you
You won't get washed away, instead you'll cheer and say.
Don't you love kid's songs - simple, but challenging!!
My problem at the moment is waking up on Monday morning afraid to go to work. On Sunday I prepare lessons and stuff for Staff Meetings. Feeling in the `stretch zone', I am feeling really passionate about my `kids' and my work. Come Monday morning though, it has all gone back down to the `strain'. What should be my `energy' is now `fear'. That's the only word, I can think of to describe it.
The river is coming around me, just like the fires in Melbourne and floods in North Queensland, but instead of standing, like my brothers little `brick shack' in King Lake, I am falling apart. I am getting washed away.
So I am going to stand on the WORD, build my house on a rock, and hopefully when I leave this morning, I have the joy of the Lord.
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm.
Though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds
him with His hand." PSALM 37:23&24
I have probably used this verse before in a blog - but it is one of my `foundations',so I'll probably use it again.
Here is a promise, via Charlie:
"When God is in your circumstances and you come to a dangerous
place, He magnificiently delivers. He delivers wisdom right
when you need it. He delivers protection. He delivers relief
from discouragement and internal fortification from attack.
If you run away, you nullify faith. You panic and cut God short.
You short-circuit His opportunity to do what man cannot do.
STAND FIRM! BELIEVE HIM! Give Him an opportunity to bring those
afternoon miracles. He'll come through!!"
Charles Swindoll.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Journal - Sunday 27th February
Well, I've finished reading all my `follower's' Blogs - `thanks for the picture `Ros', though I had guessed who you were. I am still waiting for one from Aaron. I know I promised to write every week, but the last two weeks have just been a `write-off'. Hah! Hah!
Seriously I survived my time without my husband, but he wasn't impressed with the housework I'd done. The first thing he did, even before the kiss and the hug, was to look at the car. Consequently, I never got my kiss and hug! After a couple of days of `sulking' and `carrying on', as husbands often do, he bought me a box of chocolates and apologized for being such a GRUMP!!
It did say, though, there is no way I am getting a NEW CAR!! I thought after driving it himself, he'd realize that the problems are not just on the outside. He did, but he also discovered how he could fix them. So, no NEW CAR!! Not that we can afford it anyway, but a woman can dream a little!!
I have also spent a bit of time in the Doctor's surgery in the last couple of weeks. I had a cancer removed from my nose, and a little skin graft done. It was painful, but you know what was worst - those silly comments you get from people. You think they'd be a little bit more imaginative: If it wasn't - `how did you leave the other guy', it was `has Mark been bashing you again'. I can take a joke, but when you've heard it for the 50th time (I think that's about how many men there are in our Church), it becomes annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will be back to normal, if that is ever possible; and to celebrate I had a haircut; which I might add, nobody noticed - not even my pastors - who are usually very observant.
Work is still pretty much the same, but I am looking forward to next week, when wonderful spiritual Mentor and I get together, not just to chat and pray, but to study God's Word together. We hope that both of us will grow a lot, as we look at an `Insight into Stress'.
According to Beverley Shepherd, there are five levels of pressure -
1) Chill out - which I think for me would be those lazy days when nothing much gets done.
2) Work out - When you are performing well.
3) Stretch - When you want to go that little bit further.
(2 & 3 are my favourites)
4) Strain - This is where I feel I am at the moment. Things are starting to go wrong - mistakes at work, failure to communicate, illness, a feeling of being unable to cope and out of control.
(Hopefully, I have caught it here, before the next stage)
5) Burnout - Feeling angry,helpless, trapped and totally depleted.
( I have been there before and I don't want to go there again. )
I hope that if you are feeling this way too, that you'll stay with me over the next months, as I share what I learn with you.
One book I suggest you read, as well as the Bible, is one that I have read a number of times since I started teaching (moving out into the big scary world). It's called `PERFECT TRUST' by Charles Swindoll.
In it he quotes a number of well known preachers, who have also gone through stressful times, maybe even leading to depression (though in their day, it wouldn't have been diagnosed).
One of these was Andrew Murray; and here was His response:
"First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me the grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends for me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, IN HIS GOOD TIME, He will bring me out again - how and when, He knows!!"
Seriously I survived my time without my husband, but he wasn't impressed with the housework I'd done. The first thing he did, even before the kiss and the hug, was to look at the car. Consequently, I never got my kiss and hug! After a couple of days of `sulking' and `carrying on', as husbands often do, he bought me a box of chocolates and apologized for being such a GRUMP!!
It did say, though, there is no way I am getting a NEW CAR!! I thought after driving it himself, he'd realize that the problems are not just on the outside. He did, but he also discovered how he could fix them. So, no NEW CAR!! Not that we can afford it anyway, but a woman can dream a little!!
I have also spent a bit of time in the Doctor's surgery in the last couple of weeks. I had a cancer removed from my nose, and a little skin graft done. It was painful, but you know what was worst - those silly comments you get from people. You think they'd be a little bit more imaginative: If it wasn't - `how did you leave the other guy', it was `has Mark been bashing you again'. I can take a joke, but when you've heard it for the 50th time (I think that's about how many men there are in our Church), it becomes annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will be back to normal, if that is ever possible; and to celebrate I had a haircut; which I might add, nobody noticed - not even my pastors - who are usually very observant.
Work is still pretty much the same, but I am looking forward to next week, when wonderful spiritual Mentor and I get together, not just to chat and pray, but to study God's Word together. We hope that both of us will grow a lot, as we look at an `Insight into Stress'.
According to Beverley Shepherd, there are five levels of pressure -
1) Chill out - which I think for me would be those lazy days when nothing much gets done.
2) Work out - When you are performing well.
3) Stretch - When you want to go that little bit further.
(2 & 3 are my favourites)
4) Strain - This is where I feel I am at the moment. Things are starting to go wrong - mistakes at work, failure to communicate, illness, a feeling of being unable to cope and out of control.
(Hopefully, I have caught it here, before the next stage)
5) Burnout - Feeling angry,helpless, trapped and totally depleted.
( I have been there before and I don't want to go there again. )
I hope that if you are feeling this way too, that you'll stay with me over the next months, as I share what I learn with you.
One book I suggest you read, as well as the Bible, is one that I have read a number of times since I started teaching (moving out into the big scary world). It's called `PERFECT TRUST' by Charles Swindoll.
In it he quotes a number of well known preachers, who have also gone through stressful times, maybe even leading to depression (though in their day, it wouldn't have been diagnosed).
One of these was Andrew Murray; and here was His response:
"First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me the grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends for me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, IN HIS GOOD TIME, He will bring me out again - how and when, He knows!!"
Friday, February 6, 2009
JOURNAL - Saturday 7th February
Well, it's Saturday, the end of another week. The week didn't start too well, but it has ended alright. My husband is away for a few days, I didn't bring any work home, and although the dogs have been driving me `batty' - I was able to sleep in just a little. They really miss their dad!!
I told the kids at Kids Club that I learnt a lesson this week. I don't think they really got the idea, but they thought it was funny. I learnt just how important it is to pray on the `good days as well as the bad'.
I'd had a great day, and was feeling so confident, I decided I would try some new `learning'. Now one thing I am not very good at is reversing. I haven't banged into any cars yet - carparks aren't too bad. It is my own driveway I have trouble with. Anyway, as Mark was away, I thought this was a good chance to practice my reversing into our `carport'. When he got back I could show him how good I was!! Of course, I forgot about the pole at the end of our porch.
Well I learnt three lessons: 1) Don't be a show off. (That's what the kids told me).
2) I don't have to be good at everything.
3) Always PRAY before you try something new!!
Don't we sometimes get so confident in our own abilities, we forget to ask for help from our Lord. Even, what we think are the simple things in life, can turn into a disaster, if we don't seek the Lord.
God had promised me, as I told you last week, "Pray to me. Trust in me' - and he keeps repeating this - when will I ever listen!!
I didn't promise my husband I would do some housework today, but I really do need to get on his `good side'. I have finally had a chance to do some more writing on my `In the Palm of His Hand' sight - see the link!! You'll discover it has taken me many years to learn His lessons, and I'm sure it will take many more!!
I told the kids at Kids Club that I learnt a lesson this week. I don't think they really got the idea, but they thought it was funny. I learnt just how important it is to pray on the `good days as well as the bad'.
I'd had a great day, and was feeling so confident, I decided I would try some new `learning'. Now one thing I am not very good at is reversing. I haven't banged into any cars yet - carparks aren't too bad. It is my own driveway I have trouble with. Anyway, as Mark was away, I thought this was a good chance to practice my reversing into our `carport'. When he got back I could show him how good I was!! Of course, I forgot about the pole at the end of our porch.
Well I learnt three lessons: 1) Don't be a show off. (That's what the kids told me).
2) I don't have to be good at everything.
3) Always PRAY before you try something new!!
Don't we sometimes get so confident in our own abilities, we forget to ask for help from our Lord. Even, what we think are the simple things in life, can turn into a disaster, if we don't seek the Lord.
God had promised me, as I told you last week, "Pray to me. Trust in me' - and he keeps repeating this - when will I ever listen!!
I didn't promise my husband I would do some housework today, but I really do need to get on his `good side'. I have finally had a chance to do some more writing on my `In the Palm of His Hand' sight - see the link!! You'll discover it has taken me many years to learn His lessons, and I'm sure it will take many more!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Pictures of God

I don't know if I've told you about my first plane trip. I was going `on my own' to attend stepmother's funeral, so you can imagine I was not in the best of moods. Not only was I a little bit nervous about flying, but a little angry that my husband and son wouldn't come to the funeral with me - but that's another story.
Looking out the window, this is what I saw in the clouds. Of course this is not my picture, but it is just as I remember - the hands of God reaching out to me. I also saw a smiley face - but I have no picture of that.
The reason I entitled `MY BOOK' `In the Palm of His Hands', is because this has always been something I really feel. Since the day of my baptism, when I felt God's loving hands lifting me up; in the days when I feel like I am stumbling, and even in the good days, I know God is with me.
Do you believe that the Bible is truly God's Word? How could you not when you see an image like this. God is in every book, in every chapter, in every word. His words are TRUE and LIVING, full of light.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Journal - February 3rd, 2009
Today is a special day. Instead of travelling into town, once a fortnight I visit my local school, just around the corner, Avondale State School. I think it has about 50 children, 2 classes and it takes about 10 minutes to get there. So I have a lot of time to go for my walk, read God's Word and even do a bit of `blogging'. I even cooked tea and put it in the slow cooker.
The past two weeks have been `difficult' - I don't know how else to explain it. Yesterday I thought I'd survived, until I went to the Staff Meeting. For Learning Support Teachers, who aren't always `valued' members of the staff, this can be a very `distressing' time, especially when you are a person, who suffers from what I like to call `rejection syndrome'.
But, I did see some light. Unfortunately for this school, like many in Bundaberg, numbers are down; and they are in danger of losing a teacher. This is always difficult for a Principal, especially when they have such a high regard for their teachers. I actually felt sorry for my principal, as I could see the tears in her eyes and I realized, she really did care for them.
She did ask if anyone was finding that this school wasn't the place for them, to put up their hand. I was tempted, but I realized nobody wanted to be the Learning Support Teacher. Don't get me wrong, I love my job - but when you get told `we haven't got time for you', `we don't want you to take a children' - it can be a little upsetting.
With times a little tough, I have decided to try a little something different with my Bible Reading in the morning - something that isn't normally recommended. After reading Isaiah with my husband (heavy going at the moment), and then a Psalm, I close my Bible and say, Lord, what is my promise for today? Then I open it up to verses like:
"I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for good and not for disaster, to give you
a future and a hope. In those days when you pray,
I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you
will find me when you seek me." Jeremiah 29:11-13
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you,
whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord
always, for the Lord God is your eternal Rock."
ISAIAH 26:3&4
"You are generous becaus of your faith. I am praying
that you will really put your generosity to work, for
in so doing you will come to an understanding of all
the good things you can do for Christ." PHILEMON 1:6
You might have gathered that these verses also have meaning to me, from past experiences and are already highlighted, experiences I have got time to go into now. It's work time!!!
The past two weeks have been `difficult' - I don't know how else to explain it. Yesterday I thought I'd survived, until I went to the Staff Meeting. For Learning Support Teachers, who aren't always `valued' members of the staff, this can be a very `distressing' time, especially when you are a person, who suffers from what I like to call `rejection syndrome'.
But, I did see some light. Unfortunately for this school, like many in Bundaberg, numbers are down; and they are in danger of losing a teacher. This is always difficult for a Principal, especially when they have such a high regard for their teachers. I actually felt sorry for my principal, as I could see the tears in her eyes and I realized, she really did care for them.
She did ask if anyone was finding that this school wasn't the place for them, to put up their hand. I was tempted, but I realized nobody wanted to be the Learning Support Teacher. Don't get me wrong, I love my job - but when you get told `we haven't got time for you', `we don't want you to take a children' - it can be a little upsetting.
With times a little tough, I have decided to try a little something different with my Bible Reading in the morning - something that isn't normally recommended. After reading Isaiah with my husband (heavy going at the moment), and then a Psalm, I close my Bible and say, Lord, what is my promise for today? Then I open it up to verses like:
"I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for good and not for disaster, to give you
a future and a hope. In those days when you pray,
I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you
will find me when you seek me." Jeremiah 29:11-13
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you,
whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the Lord
always, for the Lord God is your eternal Rock."
ISAIAH 26:3&4
"You are generous becaus of your faith. I am praying
that you will really put your generosity to work, for
in so doing you will come to an understanding of all
the good things you can do for Christ." PHILEMON 1:6
You might have gathered that these verses also have meaning to me, from past experiences and are already highlighted, experiences I have got time to go into now. It's work time!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Journal - January 24th
`Learning Support' teaching is one of the `lower ranking' jobs in the Education Department. (Well, this is how it is in Queensland). Unless a child is actually identified with a `Special Need', eg ASD, we receive no financial support or teacher aide hours. Please don't get me wrong, I understand the needs these children have. But, up until a few years ago - unless you were Aboriginal or had a Physical or Intellectual disability - there was not a lot we could do for you.
Fortunately, things are changing - we have no more time, or money; but with the Introduction of the National Testing last year, and the discovery that more children than they thought cannot read or write, programs are being put into place. A lot of pressure is being put on Principals - and we as Learning Support Teachers are expected to `change the world' overnight.
One of the struggles many of my Learning Support colleagues have had is convincing the hierachy that Learning Difficulties/Disabilities cannot be suddenly `fixed'. Some are environmental, and changes can be made to help these children. But children with Dyslexia or Audio Processing Disorders (one day I will set up my `Educational page' and you will know what I am talking about) take a little more time - and they often great have success - (have I got some stories for you), but it doesn't happen overnight.
So, I guess this is why the last 2 days have been really `stressful' for me. On the one hand I have Principals wanting to `do things right', on the other hand there are teaching staff who just don't want you `interfering' with `their' students. When you are a strong, assertive person, you can usually survive - and many of my colleagues do well. But some of us, just take everything personally and end up complete `wrecks' by the end of th day. Unfortunately, I am one of the latter.
I can tell you for sure, that I would have not lasted in my job over the last 9 years if it hasn't been for the Lord. One of the songs I sing when I go on my walk every morning is: "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME". It is a Steven Curtis Chapman song, from the 80's. I am not sure if I can write the whole song out without Steve's permission, but this is the chorus:
"His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone.
It carries us when we can't carry on.
Raised in His power, the weak become strong.
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect."
I first heard this song on a CD called `WOMAN OF GOD", released by Straightway Music in 1995. My little sister had just died from cancer, and I was beginning a new stage in my life, called UNIVERSITY!! So, I needed all the strengthening I could muster, and I knew this would only come from the Lord.
The next song on the CD, is called `Somebody Prayed for Me', released in 1995 by Terry Meeuwsen by `Ariose Music'; and recently I have discovered justn how important it is to have `prayer partners' in your life. Without PRAYER and without GOD'S STRENGTH, I know I could never make it through some of my days.
"Somebody prayed for me, somebody prayed for me.
Someone took my heart to Heaven, on bended knee.
Somebody wouldn't stop believing, till God had met my need.
Now I'm stronger today, `cause somebody prayed for me."
Fortunately, things are changing - we have no more time, or money; but with the Introduction of the National Testing last year, and the discovery that more children than they thought cannot read or write, programs are being put into place. A lot of pressure is being put on Principals - and we as Learning Support Teachers are expected to `change the world' overnight.
One of the struggles many of my Learning Support colleagues have had is convincing the hierachy that Learning Difficulties/Disabilities cannot be suddenly `fixed'. Some are environmental, and changes can be made to help these children. But children with Dyslexia or Audio Processing Disorders (one day I will set up my `Educational page' and you will know what I am talking about) take a little more time - and they often great have success - (have I got some stories for you), but it doesn't happen overnight.
So, I guess this is why the last 2 days have been really `stressful' for me. On the one hand I have Principals wanting to `do things right', on the other hand there are teaching staff who just don't want you `interfering' with `their' students. When you are a strong, assertive person, you can usually survive - and many of my colleagues do well. But some of us, just take everything personally and end up complete `wrecks' by the end of th day. Unfortunately, I am one of the latter.
I can tell you for sure, that I would have not lasted in my job over the last 9 years if it hasn't been for the Lord. One of the songs I sing when I go on my walk every morning is: "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME". It is a Steven Curtis Chapman song, from the 80's. I am not sure if I can write the whole song out without Steve's permission, but this is the chorus:
"His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone.
It carries us when we can't carry on.
Raised in His power, the weak become strong.
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect."
I first heard this song on a CD called `WOMAN OF GOD", released by Straightway Music in 1995. My little sister had just died from cancer, and I was beginning a new stage in my life, called UNIVERSITY!! So, I needed all the strengthening I could muster, and I knew this would only come from the Lord.
The next song on the CD, is called `Somebody Prayed for Me', released in 1995 by Terry Meeuwsen by `Ariose Music'; and recently I have discovered justn how important it is to have `prayer partners' in your life. Without PRAYER and without GOD'S STRENGTH, I know I could never make it through some of my days.
"Somebody prayed for me, somebody prayed for me.
Someone took my heart to Heaven, on bended knee.
Somebody wouldn't stop believing, till God had met my need.
Now I'm stronger today, `cause somebody prayed for me."
Monday, January 12, 2009
What Stops Revival?
I have nearly finished my third book in Bill Bright & Jack Cavanagh's `The Great Awakenings' series. Unfortunately the Library doesn't have Book 4, so I guess my series of posts on `Revival' will come to end.
In each of the books there is always a main character, usually a dedicated Christian, who has not yet received a `revival experience' because of something in their life that is holding them back. In `Fire', the young minister had a lot of guilt and grief about things that had happened in his past. In `Storm' - a young Yale student had a lot of anger and hatred towards people who had hurt him. And in this final book `Proof' - a young Christian lawyer, who busies his life doing good for others, discovers there is a little bit of pride in what he does. He actually `enjoys' being seen as a `do gooder'.
Can you relate to any of these? I know I can, especially the guilt and grief; but I realized recently that pride too has a hold of me in some ways. I don't do the work I do for `praise', but I have to admit I do enjoy being thanked now and then. Some might say there is nothing wrong with this - but PRIDE can be a real stumbling block in a Christian's life.
In my favourite book - `The Bible' - this is what God says about it:
"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
But the exciting thing is the promises of forgiveness the Lord gives us too.
"Those who walk in pride He is able to humble." Daniel 4:37b
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm. Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand." Psalm 37:23&24
This verse is one of the themes of my life. Literally and spiritually, I know I stumble, but because my greatest desire is to serve the Lord, I know He will not let me fall out of his hands.
In each of the stories, we see a `happy ending', as each young man discovers, not only a love in his life (a woman), but also the love of God manifested in forgiveness through the Holy Spirit. They are freed from their grief and guilt, their anger and hatred, and their pride - as `revival' fills their hearts.
I look forward to this revival too, as I start this new year free from past hurts, griefs and pride. As I go forth to serve the Lord. If you want to do the same, pray this prayer with me.
"Lord, you know these hidden sins that fill my heart - sins of pride,
jealousy and the holding on of past hurts and griefs. Free me with
your love and fill me with your Spirit.
Help me start this year anew in You." AMEN.
P.S: I still need a little bit more challenging, so if any of my readers has a copy of `The Great Awakenings Series Book 4 - `FURY', I would love to read it.
In each of the books there is always a main character, usually a dedicated Christian, who has not yet received a `revival experience' because of something in their life that is holding them back. In `Fire', the young minister had a lot of guilt and grief about things that had happened in his past. In `Storm' - a young Yale student had a lot of anger and hatred towards people who had hurt him. And in this final book `Proof' - a young Christian lawyer, who busies his life doing good for others, discovers there is a little bit of pride in what he does. He actually `enjoys' being seen as a `do gooder'.
Can you relate to any of these? I know I can, especially the guilt and grief; but I realized recently that pride too has a hold of me in some ways. I don't do the work I do for `praise', but I have to admit I do enjoy being thanked now and then. Some might say there is nothing wrong with this - but PRIDE can be a real stumbling block in a Christian's life.
In my favourite book - `The Bible' - this is what God says about it:
"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
But the exciting thing is the promises of forgiveness the Lord gives us too.
"Those who walk in pride He is able to humble." Daniel 4:37b
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm. Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand." Psalm 37:23&24
This verse is one of the themes of my life. Literally and spiritually, I know I stumble, but because my greatest desire is to serve the Lord, I know He will not let me fall out of his hands.
In each of the stories, we see a `happy ending', as each young man discovers, not only a love in his life (a woman), but also the love of God manifested in forgiveness through the Holy Spirit. They are freed from their grief and guilt, their anger and hatred, and their pride - as `revival' fills their hearts.
I look forward to this revival too, as I start this new year free from past hurts, griefs and pride. As I go forth to serve the Lord. If you want to do the same, pray this prayer with me.
"Lord, you know these hidden sins that fill my heart - sins of pride,
jealousy and the holding on of past hurts and griefs. Free me with
your love and fill me with your Spirit.
Help me start this year anew in You." AMEN.
P.S: I still need a little bit more challenging, so if any of my readers has a copy of `The Great Awakenings Series Book 4 - `FURY', I would love to read it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Spiritual Revival - from Man or God?
This probably sounds like a silly question; but it in the days of the great Revivals, the question was debated - particularly in the Universities. Until they actually witnessed them for themselves, they said it was because of the preachers and publicists that revival actually spread. They said that even Isacc Watts, the popular hymn writer of the time said it was just the good communication skills of the preachers. I doubt if this was true!!
"So what" , you say - that was over 100 years ago. "So what", I say - could this still be something we believe today. Are people's lives changed in our Churches and cities, just because we have good preachers, or is God truly working? I would hope we believe it to be the latter.
Back in my years at University, I was blessed to have God use me in bringing both young and older students to the Lord. In my years of Children's ministry the Lord has used me to bring children to the Lord. But I know, in my own power or skill, I could not do this. I am shy, and I don't know the words to say. God will use us every day to spread revival - but only if we trust in Him and not ourselves.
According to the diaries of those who witnessed the revivals - they were dramatic and lives were indeed changed. But "it pales compared to the miraculous conversions that take place every day when Christians take their faith, their personal witness and the power of the Holy Spirit seriously." (Jack Cavanagh, 2006).
I know a man, his name is horner,
He used to live on Grumble corner.
Grumble Corner in Crosspatch town,
And his face was never without a frown.
He grumbled at this, he grumbled at that
He grumbled at his dog, he grumbled at his cat.
He grumbled in the morning, he grumbled at night.
And to grumble and growl was his chief delight.
He grumbled so much at his wife, that she
Began to grumble as well as he.
And all the children, wherever they went,
Reflected their parents discontent.
If the sky was dark and betoken rain
Mr Horner was sure to complain.
And if there was never a cloud about,
He grumbled because of the threatened drought.
One day as I loitered along the street
My old acquintance I chanced to meet.
His old face was without a look of care,
And the ugly frown that he used to wear.
"I may be mistaken", perhaps, I said,
As after saluting I turned my head,
"But is it - and isn't it - that Mr Horner
That used to live on grumble corner".
I met him the next day and I met him again
In melting hot weather and pouring rain.
When stocks were up and stocks were down,
But a smile had somehow replaced the frown."
Dorothy Gaunson.
"So what" , you say - that was over 100 years ago. "So what", I say - could this still be something we believe today. Are people's lives changed in our Churches and cities, just because we have good preachers, or is God truly working? I would hope we believe it to be the latter.
Back in my years at University, I was blessed to have God use me in bringing both young and older students to the Lord. In my years of Children's ministry the Lord has used me to bring children to the Lord. But I know, in my own power or skill, I could not do this. I am shy, and I don't know the words to say. God will use us every day to spread revival - but only if we trust in Him and not ourselves.
According to the diaries of those who witnessed the revivals - they were dramatic and lives were indeed changed. But "it pales compared to the miraculous conversions that take place every day when Christians take their faith, their personal witness and the power of the Holy Spirit seriously." (Jack Cavanagh, 2006).
I know a man, his name is horner,
He used to live on Grumble corner.
Grumble Corner in Crosspatch town,
And his face was never without a frown.
He grumbled at this, he grumbled at that
He grumbled at his dog, he grumbled at his cat.
He grumbled in the morning, he grumbled at night.
And to grumble and growl was his chief delight.
He grumbled so much at his wife, that she
Began to grumble as well as he.
And all the children, wherever they went,
Reflected their parents discontent.
If the sky was dark and betoken rain
Mr Horner was sure to complain.
And if there was never a cloud about,
He grumbled because of the threatened drought.
One day as I loitered along the street
My old acquintance I chanced to meet.
His old face was without a look of care,
And the ugly frown that he used to wear.
"I may be mistaken", perhaps, I said,
As after saluting I turned my head,
"But is it - and isn't it - that Mr Horner
That used to live on grumble corner".
I met him the next day and I met him again
In melting hot weather and pouring rain.
When stocks were up and stocks were down,
But a smile had somehow replaced the frown."
Dorothy Gaunson.
Monday, January 5, 2009
What is Revival?
"Revival is one person acting Christlike with another person....While some revivals have been known for their great preaching, true revival is sparked by the simple acts. One person at a time.....In the long run, it's not what happens out here in the field is it? Whether there's one preacher or twenty. What matter is what happens to them when they go home. That's when we'll know if something significant has taken place. If lives are changed. That's the proof of salvation. Not what a person says or doesn't say, or how loud he says it. If he's not more like God afterward than he was before, he wasn't in it, he just wasn't in it". Bill Bright & Jack Cavanagh; 2006, "Storm", Howard Publishing.
I always thought I knew a lot about revival. I was brought up in the Assemblies of God, baptized in the Churches of Christ and received my first gift of the spirit in the Catholic Church.
Most people do their study first then go out on the `Ministry field' - I did things a little differently. I must be the only person who was never accepted into Bible College. In 1979, I had great plans for my future - but they all went down the drain, when I had what they then called, my first `breakdown'. I finished my Year 12 exams, failed and then `nobody wanted me'.
So I joined Covenant Players - a Christian Theatre Company that travelled Australia (an the world, but I never got that far), presenting the gospel through drama. It was a great time - I was ministering to people from Perth to Cairns, staying in homes, church halls and sometimes the back of a van. I wasn't really any good as an actress, but I was great at sharing the joy of the Lord. They tell me, I never stopped smiling. I travelled for 3 years, and the greatest `revival' I had in my life was discovering that God doesn't only visit the Churches of Christ.
One day we visited a monestary, and my friend who was a Catholic, was most disturbed because I had shared communion with them. I hadn't known any differantly. That evening we went to the evening Mass and I promised my friend I would be `good'. But communion for me is was of the most importants parts of my worship - especially since I had discovered that there are brothers and sisters in every denomination. I felt empty - so I got down on my knees and I asked God to fill me. If I couldn't take communion, I needed some other way to worship - it was then I started praying in tongues, and it was a beautiful experience.
It has never become something I have done in the open - except once when I sung in tongues at my brother-in-laws pentecostal Church. I had just lost my little sister and I was grieving; and music is part of my healing process. Of course they didn't know that - and I don't think we've ever been asked to join them at Church again. Seriously - this gift is something the Lord has given me to enhance my prayer life and my worship at times.
But even then - I don't see this as a revival experience. At the time it was exciting, and I shared it with a few people; but there was still something missing in my Christian life.
To cut a long story short. After 3 years with Covenant Players, I got married, had a family and settled down to a quiet life of faith; serving the Lord in the little ways I could. In 1996, with some encouragement from my husband I entered University - I was going to become a teacher. It wasn't easy - the devil really worked hard to stop me - but I made. In 2000, when everyone else was celebrating the Millenium, I was celebrating my GRADUATION.
So where to now. Well being a lovely sheltered Christian girl, I was sure the Lord would me to some lovely Christian school. No way!! You see, true revival is sparked by simple acts - in my case, out in the `BIG WIDE WORLD'. My first job was in a High School - a behaviour management class of Year 9 & 10 boys. I learnt a new saying: "Boys (and girls) should be put to sleep in Year 9 and woken up in Year 11." Each one of these boys had no goal - except to go on the dole or grow drugs. But 3 years later I watched some (not all, I have to admit) graduate Year 12, and a number now have good managerial jobs - on farms, in sporting facilities and McDonalds - but jobs just the same.
This year I watched some of my Learning Support students graduating Year 7, and I was excited as I thought about what they could accomplish, with a little bit of help `from a friend'. I felt FILLED, I felt TIRED, but I knew that this was what REVIVAL was all about.
God now has a new group of students he wants me to reach, another group of children to touch - both at school and Kids Club - and I can't wait for the new REVIVAL!!
"I love to sit on the mountain top, cause I love to feel my spirit sour.
But I've got to come down from the mountain top,
To the people in the valley below.
So they can know, that they can go,
To the Mountain of the Lord."
Brown BANNISTER (1977), AG Productions.
I always thought I knew a lot about revival. I was brought up in the Assemblies of God, baptized in the Churches of Christ and received my first gift of the spirit in the Catholic Church.
Most people do their study first then go out on the `Ministry field' - I did things a little differently. I must be the only person who was never accepted into Bible College. In 1979, I had great plans for my future - but they all went down the drain, when I had what they then called, my first `breakdown'. I finished my Year 12 exams, failed and then `nobody wanted me'.
So I joined Covenant Players - a Christian Theatre Company that travelled Australia (an the world, but I never got that far), presenting the gospel through drama. It was a great time - I was ministering to people from Perth to Cairns, staying in homes, church halls and sometimes the back of a van. I wasn't really any good as an actress, but I was great at sharing the joy of the Lord. They tell me, I never stopped smiling. I travelled for 3 years, and the greatest `revival' I had in my life was discovering that God doesn't only visit the Churches of Christ.
One day we visited a monestary, and my friend who was a Catholic, was most disturbed because I had shared communion with them. I hadn't known any differantly. That evening we went to the evening Mass and I promised my friend I would be `good'. But communion for me is was of the most importants parts of my worship - especially since I had discovered that there are brothers and sisters in every denomination. I felt empty - so I got down on my knees and I asked God to fill me. If I couldn't take communion, I needed some other way to worship - it was then I started praying in tongues, and it was a beautiful experience.
It has never become something I have done in the open - except once when I sung in tongues at my brother-in-laws pentecostal Church. I had just lost my little sister and I was grieving; and music is part of my healing process. Of course they didn't know that - and I don't think we've ever been asked to join them at Church again. Seriously - this gift is something the Lord has given me to enhance my prayer life and my worship at times.
But even then - I don't see this as a revival experience. At the time it was exciting, and I shared it with a few people; but there was still something missing in my Christian life.
To cut a long story short. After 3 years with Covenant Players, I got married, had a family and settled down to a quiet life of faith; serving the Lord in the little ways I could. In 1996, with some encouragement from my husband I entered University - I was going to become a teacher. It wasn't easy - the devil really worked hard to stop me - but I made. In 2000, when everyone else was celebrating the Millenium, I was celebrating my GRADUATION.
So where to now. Well being a lovely sheltered Christian girl, I was sure the Lord would me to some lovely Christian school. No way!! You see, true revival is sparked by simple acts - in my case, out in the `BIG WIDE WORLD'. My first job was in a High School - a behaviour management class of Year 9 & 10 boys. I learnt a new saying: "Boys (and girls) should be put to sleep in Year 9 and woken up in Year 11." Each one of these boys had no goal - except to go on the dole or grow drugs. But 3 years later I watched some (not all, I have to admit) graduate Year 12, and a number now have good managerial jobs - on farms, in sporting facilities and McDonalds - but jobs just the same.
This year I watched some of my Learning Support students graduating Year 7, and I was excited as I thought about what they could accomplish, with a little bit of help `from a friend'. I felt FILLED, I felt TIRED, but I knew that this was what REVIVAL was all about.
God now has a new group of students he wants me to reach, another group of children to touch - both at school and Kids Club - and I can't wait for the new REVIVAL!!
"I love to sit on the mountain top, cause I love to feel my spirit sour.
But I've got to come down from the mountain top,
To the people in the valley below.
So they can know, that they can go,
To the Mountain of the Lord."
Brown BANNISTER (1977), AG Productions.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bundaberg Library has one of the best collections of Christian Fiction that I have ever come across - and our family have visited a lot of libraries. Over the School Holidays I have the chance to get stuck into some of them - and have even tried some new authors over the years, after making a vow never to read anything other than Janette Oke. Sorry Jan - but I am `branching out'!!
My first set of books were by VONETTE BRIGHT AND NANCY MOSER - "The Sister Circle Series'. This is a wonderful series about a group of woman and how they learnt to not only love one another, but were able to share their faith.
Vonette's desire in life is: "To see women of faith connecting, serving and supporting each other with a genuine love, so that those who do not know Christ will be drawn to them and will want to meet Him." The book not only portrays this and gives some wonderful encouragement for those of us who seek to do the same; but each chapter covers some `real life faith issues', that I'm sure many of us women face. eg. Impatience with God when things don't go our way. "When God closes a door, he opens a window". Self image - how can we replace these feelings with the knowledge that God loves us? Discontent, doubt, depression, despair - the `D words'. Can we still reach others for Christ when we are not feeling on top of everything?
I could go on, but I recommend that if you want something nice and `light' to read, but can really help with some of those `heavy' questions on your heart, READ THESE BOOKS!!
Before I read a book, I like to read about the authors, and I discovered something interesting: Vonette Bright, not only was the co-founder of Crusaders for Christ, but she was married to the author of the other great books I have read these holidays: Dr William Bright. (I only just discovered this, as I sat down to write this blog).
Along with Jack Cavanagh, Bill (who passed away in 2003), as indeed left a great legacy in this "Great Awakenings" series. These books are a little heavier and I would recommend them to all ministers to read. And, as God tells us all we are ministers in one way or another, I guess it's a great read for anyone.
Seriously, set in the time of the 1700-1800 Revivals in America, it just gets you so excited, and I have to confess, tearful (which is not something I get very often when reading), when you read about the wonderful things God did through his Churches in America, and I believe can still do in our country - Australia - today!!
In one chapter, the young minister read a sermon that his mentor had written, after he'd died. He had realized that he could not bring revival to the Church, because he was worrying too much about what people were thinking of him, rather than doing the Lord's work. It was his prayer that God would send a `troubler' - someone who would help the Church see their need for revival. "I will continue to pray for revival, confident that when it comes, it will be evident to all that God, and God alone, sent it".
I have been someone who has spent their whole life worrying about what others think of me - for different reasons - afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. It is because of this I believe I have not ministered to others as I could. It is my desire like Vonette and William to help bring revival in our land, through my work, my writing and my ministry. My prayer is that you will join me!!
My first set of books were by VONETTE BRIGHT AND NANCY MOSER - "The Sister Circle Series'. This is a wonderful series about a group of woman and how they learnt to not only love one another, but were able to share their faith.
Vonette's desire in life is: "To see women of faith connecting, serving and supporting each other with a genuine love, so that those who do not know Christ will be drawn to them and will want to meet Him." The book not only portrays this and gives some wonderful encouragement for those of us who seek to do the same; but each chapter covers some `real life faith issues', that I'm sure many of us women face. eg. Impatience with God when things don't go our way. "When God closes a door, he opens a window". Self image - how can we replace these feelings with the knowledge that God loves us? Discontent, doubt, depression, despair - the `D words'. Can we still reach others for Christ when we are not feeling on top of everything?
I could go on, but I recommend that if you want something nice and `light' to read, but can really help with some of those `heavy' questions on your heart, READ THESE BOOKS!!
Before I read a book, I like to read about the authors, and I discovered something interesting: Vonette Bright, not only was the co-founder of Crusaders for Christ, but she was married to the author of the other great books I have read these holidays: Dr William Bright. (I only just discovered this, as I sat down to write this blog).
Along with Jack Cavanagh, Bill (who passed away in 2003), as indeed left a great legacy in this "Great Awakenings" series. These books are a little heavier and I would recommend them to all ministers to read. And, as God tells us all we are ministers in one way or another, I guess it's a great read for anyone.
Seriously, set in the time of the 1700-1800 Revivals in America, it just gets you so excited, and I have to confess, tearful (which is not something I get very often when reading), when you read about the wonderful things God did through his Churches in America, and I believe can still do in our country - Australia - today!!
In one chapter, the young minister read a sermon that his mentor had written, after he'd died. He had realized that he could not bring revival to the Church, because he was worrying too much about what people were thinking of him, rather than doing the Lord's work. It was his prayer that God would send a `troubler' - someone who would help the Church see their need for revival. "I will continue to pray for revival, confident that when it comes, it will be evident to all that God, and God alone, sent it".
I have been someone who has spent their whole life worrying about what others think of me - for different reasons - afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. It is because of this I believe I have not ministered to others as I could. It is my desire like Vonette and William to help bring revival in our land, through my work, my writing and my ministry. My prayer is that you will join me!!
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