Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As believers some of us are called into ministries that will thrust us into worldwide recognitions. Others of us will be behind the scenes.

I always loved serving together with my husband Mark. We made a good team. I was a Leader, and he worked behind the scenes doing all those things that made my leadership position easier. I loved to TEACH, he loved to HELP. But his work was just as important, him not more important than mine. We were both called to SERVE, using the gifts God has blessed us with.

Every place we go in and everything we do is part of God's great plan. People will come to know the Lord through whatever `ministry' and service he has placed us in.

Many of us, as servants, struggle with pride, the need for recognition and honour. King Hezekiah did. I guess it would be easy too if you were a King in charge of a whole country too. Yet even Jesus' disciples struggled with pride - simple men like you and me. It is encouraging to know that that the disciples needed to learn to serve, but many of us are still in the learning process.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the one of the least
of these brothers, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40

Sometimes, like the disciples, we feel tired and unappreciated. We may not want to change our plans, we like it our way. But we need to follow in the steps of Jesus - our servant.

One thing we can be sure of is that when Jesus calls us to serve, we need to be obedient. Sometimes what God asks us to do may seem too hard. It helps to have Jesus' example.

"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work."
John 4:34

Sometimes we may not feel qualified enough and we will make excuses, just like Moses, Gideon and Jeremiah.

Moses: "What if they do not believe me? O Lord I have never been eloquent. I am slow of speech and tongue."

Sound familiar!

Gideon: "But Lord, how can I save Israel. My clan is the weakest and I am the least in my family"

Ever felt this way!

Jeremiah: "Ah, Sovereign Lord, I do not know how to speak, I am a child."

We are all children!

Jesus did not call us to part-time service. We can't just be Sunday Christians. Every morning when you wake up, pray that God will send people to you who need your help. If we are sensitive to the God's leading, through the Holy Spirit, we will never miss an opportunity to serve.

We are to have a servant's heart so that others may see His love in us. He may be calling you to a new vision, or wants you to persevere in the `ministry' you are in. Whatever it is - remember, BE OBEDIENT - Jesus was. DON'T MAKE EXCUSES - Jesus didn't. Be a FULL TIME SERVANT - Jesus was.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mentors - God's Special Gift.

One of the things I love about reading Lynn Austin's books is how she brings the characters alive, and of course introduces characters that we don't hear mentioned a lot in the Bible, but still they play an important part in history.

Hezekiah had his right hand men - his Palace Administrators and Secratary. One, was a man of wisdom, but no sense. His name was Shebna, an Egyptian who had been hired by Hezekiah's father to tutor him. Then there was the man who trusted in God, also very wise - his name was Eliakim.

After making a treaty with Babylon and then Egypt, on the advice of Shebna, Hezekiah sat in his room feeling depressed. He realized he had made the wrong decision. He was full of pride and the words of that Eliakim had earlier spoke to him came to his mind:

"The Torah says, Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand in vain. We need to put our trust in God."

Hezekiah had been trusting in man, not God, and he had stopped listening to who he truly knew to be his trusted advisor. He had always listed to Eliakim before because he knew he spoke the truth. Eliakim was his MENTOR, God's special gift top Him. Someone he needed to help him stay on track - to follow the Lord's will in His life.

As I said in my first BLOG for 2011, my little box of promises was given to me by my mentor. She may not realize, that even now that I have moved away, this `special gift' is helping to me to follow the most important mentor of all - the Lord.

"The Lord Himself will lead you and he will guide you.
He will not fail you or abandon you, so not lose courage
and to not be afraid."Deuteronomy 3:8

I encourage you, if you haven't already, to find yourself a mentor. Pray about it, as Hezekiah did, and the Lord will lead you to someone you can trust. Most of all, someone who you know you can be honest with and will pray with you. It may be someone in your Home Group or someone in Church that God points out for you. This is how it was for me.

I prayed about it, because I felt I wasn't growing in my Christian life. I needed someone to take my hand and walk with me in what I didn't know then would be a difficult and challenging journey. The next Sunday I looked across the Church - and the Lord pointed her out to me. She wasn't a Church elder, or someone I knew very well; but God said - "I have chosen her as your Mentor". I asked her and she was willing.

We started meeting at McDonalds after work, once a week until that got too expensive. We would read the Bible together, pray; must most of all talk together. You need to be a good listener - both the mentor and the mentee.

Later I started meeting in her home. Pam and I met together for 3 years I believe before I moved away. I know she still prays for me, and she rings me up at least once a month. Most of all though, I my mentor as helped me learn to rely on the Lord and to grow in Him, so that one day I may be a mentor to someone else.

A mentor is God's special gift, someone you need to have, and when the time is right, someone you need to be. But never forget to rely and trust on the greatest mentor of all - our Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith of the Fathers

"God keeps ever promise He makes. He is like a shield for all who seek His protection", Proverbs 30.5

My little `Promise Box' verse was very encouraging this morning. I have actually had it out for the last week, as I have felt I needed to be reminded of His protection over and over again.

Currently I am reading a series of books by Lynn Austin, mainly looking at the life of King Hezekiah and it has been exciting to see how God proctected him - with healing and protection from his enemies - even when he started to take on the nature of his father, nearly falling because of His pride. Book 4, which I haven't go to yet, talks about his son Manasseh, and it is disheartening when you read the Bible and it says: "Mannasseh was 12 years old when he became king. He reigned in Jerusalem 55yrs and did evil in the sight of the Lord." (2 Kings 21:1&2). Unfortunately, unlike His father Hezekiah, Mannasseh did not turn back to the Lord and "he caused Judah to commit similar sins, as they did evil in the sight of the Lord".

In Judges we also read about how the people of Israel continue to let the Lord down, "forgetting the Lord their God and serving Baals and Asherahs". But isn't it great to know that each time they cried out to the Lord, He was faithful to rescue them.

In this case God sent Ehud to be their deliverer (Judges 3:7-30)- in our case He sent His own son Jesus. So often we live our lives like Mannasseh, or the people of Israel, and we forget about the enormous price that Jesus paid so that we could have forgiveness and freedom from our sins and the strongholds that bind us. We can have victory and joy because we have been SET FREE, but not only that we have His on going PROTECTION.

God wants us to "Call upon Him in the day of trouble." He says, "I will deliver you and you will honour me." (Psalm 50:15).

"Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings in Judah. He held fast the the Lord and did not cease to follow Him." (2 KINGS 18;5)

I think I have found another favourite Bible character. Oh, not because he was so good and trusted in the Lord, but when his pride let him down, and he sinned, he knew where to go. When fear enveloped him as he looked at the Assyrian army, he knew where to go. When he was in the depths of depression and sickness, he knew where to go.

My father was a man like this too - when he felt alone and let down (when my Mum died), he knew where to go. When fear enveloped him (as he faced life as a single father), he knew where to go. When depression overcame him, he knew where to go. He went straight to the Lord, and the Lord protected him.

I thank the Lord each day for the faith of our fathers - men like Hezekiah and my Dad. But most of all I thank the Lord for the LOVE OF MY FATHER, AND HIS PROTECTION. Because of them, I know where to go when I have sinned, am afraid or in the depths of depression.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I don't know what to expect in my life right now, but I am looking forward to where God wants to send me. I am always ready and open for the unexpected; but I still need to trust the Lord for His strength; because I am still rather weary and tired.

The last few weeks going to Church has been a chore. By the time the service has ended I have been an emotional wreck. Why, in the place where I have always felt at home do I feel alone and unwell?

This morning after Church I started serving in the Church Bookstore, and it was great. I spoke to the Children's Ministry Leader, and I have been put on the Sunday School roster - just once a month for now. She said she looks forward to working with someone who has experience in Children's Ministry. I just feel excited about how the Lord can use me again and I am becoming more energized for service.

I know I need to be careful not to do too much. I need to be careful to make sure I am not making all these plans and not leaving my life in God's hands. I want my service to be authentic service. How can I know that it is?

Service that pleases God is a heartfelt response to what He Has done for me. Authentic service is a genuine attempt to say `Thank You' to God.

"So dear Christian friends, I plead with you to give your bodies as a living
sacrifice - the kind He will accept. When you think of what He has done for
you, is this too much to ask." Romans 12:1 (NLT)

The Apostle Paul was quick to remind those who were motivated to serve that they shouldn't run out and sign up for the first job that came along. We need to first take time to determine our spiritual gifts. These are the unique abilities God places in each of us that enables us to build and encourage others.

"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with
whatever gift you have received." 1 Peter 4:9 (NRSV)

An important element to consider when serving the Lord is your passion. James Dobson, founder of `Focus on the Family', has a passion for the family. Don Moen - one of my favourite singer/songwriters and worship leaders, has a passion to bring people together in worship and praise. Billy Graham had a passion for the lost and was a great evangelist. Once you have determined your passion, think of ways you can serve - again to encourage and build others up.

* What group of people do you feel most attracted to? When deciding which class to take in Sunday School, I always go for the Middle Primary age. Why - I know from experience that Toddlers and Junior Primary children don't relate to me, and I definetely can't relate to them.

* What area of need is of ultimate importance to you? Next to sharing the Gospel with children, I see a child in need - socially and intellectualy and I have to do something about it.

* What area of the Church's ministry would you most like to influence? Why did I decide to volunteer in the Bookstore. Someone asked me to - because I was always there, talking to people, sharing my passion for Christian books and music. Why Children's Ministry? Easy - Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them. The Kingdom of God belongs to them. " Luke 18:16 (NIV).

Some people say I am a warm, caring, relational person. I can put others at ease - especially children. I am gentle, non-threatening and encouraging. What are the characteristics of your temperament?

Authentic service pleases God. It delights the one who is being served, and also gives the server a bit of a buzz too. When you are serving for the right reason in the right place, you feel really good and enjoy your service. God wants us to serve in this way.

This morning going to Church was not a chore, I didn't feel depressed. Why? Because my service was a joy, it energized me and most of all I experienced a blessing.

Service is vital part of the Christian life. But to be authentic and energizing it has to flow out of worship and has to fit who God made you to be. I don't know what to expect this year, but I do know that I am a unique individual and God has a special task - energizing service - both in and out of the Church. A special task designed just for me!!

Here's my favourite verse again:

"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plans for your
welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and hope."
Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I must be a stubborn creature. When I started this study in 2007, I was struggling with problems I still have today. I seem to be making the same mistakes. Will I ever learn and grow?

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit.
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
There are different kinds of working, but the same God
works all of them in all men." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Sometimes I feel incapable - but it is these times that I remember, "When you step into God's plan, when you are simply a vessel that God can use to accomplish His work, He provides the energy and the means." God can do His work through you, even when we don't understand why. All He asks of us is OBEDIANCE.

If I were to die tomorrow, I would want to be remembered as a woman who gave her all - endeavouring to follow God's will. That I cared for His children and I loved my family. I feel passionate about God's Word. I love reading and writing and sharing what I learn with others.

As I teacher I have wanted my students to see the special people God wants them to be - to reach their full potential as learners. I want them to be loved and to become people who care for others. I want them to feel confident in their gifts and in reaching their dreams. Of course, without God as part of the equation, they cannot do these things - so I want them to become His children.

Back in 1979, when I was leaving school, God told me I was to be his `seed planter'. I later realized that this meant marrying a soldier and becoming an Army wife. Moving around to many different places, becoming a part of communities and Church families for only a short time. Planting seeds of love and learning - then moving on. Often, never seeing the fruits of my labours.

Together Mark and I became Foster Parents, Youth Group and Kid's Club Leaders, Church deacons and of course the most of important of all, parents to our own wonderful son, Aaron. This was probably the hardest task of all. We were encouragers to single parents, other Army wives and soldiers and their families.

In 1996, Mark decided to leave the Army and I was accepted at Griffith University in Brisbane. Mark went to to drive a Bus and I started my `teaching career'. Together we continued our `seed planting'.

Now it is 2011. Mark is still driving buses and I am out of work - a housewife again, but no longer a mother. But there are still those `seeds' to plant. Where and how - only our loving Father knows; but as my good mate Max always reminds me, "God is not trying to keep secrets from you. He wants to direct you into His will, to accomplish His work. Understanding who God wants you to be is a vital part of becoming a vessel God can use."


I will do more than belong, I will PARTICIPATE.
I will do more than help, I will CARE.
I will do more than believe, I will PRACTICE.
I will do more than be fair, I will be KIND.
I will do more than forgive, I will LOVE.
I will do more than earn, I will ENRICH.
I will do more than teach, I will SERVE.
I will do more than live, I will GROW.
I will do more than be friendly, I will be a FRIEND.
I will do more than just be a Christian,

St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pennslvania.


Those who know me well know that my greatest desire of all is to follow the will of God in my life. So, it becomes very frustrating when I find myself struggling to understand what that will is.

Not so long ago in 2007, I applied for the position of Chaplain. I would be Bundaberg's first Primary School Chaplain, and it was down to myself and another lady. At the interview I was asked the Question - "If the job became a permanent one, would you be willing to give up teaching?" I suddenly realized that teaching meant more to me than anything. It wasn't the money - I just loved teaching, especially my children with Learning Difficulties. I truly believed that this was what God had called me to be.

So, you can imagine losing my job as a teacher and being told my the Education Department that I am `incapable', has been a huge blow. Surely being a teacher was God's will for my life - what else would he have me be? So I went back to 2007, and a study I did: "Pouring Out Your Life in Ministry as GOD DIRECTS." In the next few BLOGS I will share what I learnt in 2007, which I believe are still very relevant in 2011.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain
a heart of wisdom". Psalm 90:12

Henry Blacaby once said, "Understanding what God is about to do is more important than telling God what you want Him to do."

How true! How often do we tell God what we want, rather than listen to what He wants. I know the Lord truly knows the sincerity of my heart and my desire to serve Him. I also know that I have so many things I still need to learn or addictions I need to grow out of - my "Fear of Failure" and "Need for Approval".

As I await for God to heal me, I will pray and study God's word, seeking his direction and when he says it is His time, I will move on and GO WITH GOD. Until then I will continue to serve Him faithfully as a teacher.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Protection for the New Year.

A few years ago, my friend and mentor gave me this little box of promises - Bible verses for each day. It always sat on my desk at school, so it wasn't surprizing that it turned up in one of the boxes of classroom `stuff'.

This morning I opened it up and have decided that it will be one of the inspirations for my BLOG this year. My first promise for 2011 - "God will put His angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go." Psalm 91:11

I am certain I am going to need a lot of that protection as I move into this new year - for unlike other years where I have felt secure in my work and my home, this year I am faced with uncertainty. Even as an army wife, I always knew - even if we moved - that their would be a home and a job waiting for us at the other end. But with this year of uncertainty comes a wonderful opportunity to TRUST THE LORD.

Another inspiration for my BLOGS this year will be some `old (updated) Bible Studies and Sermons I have written in the past. Even though what they say may have been for a different time or situation - the same theme runs through them all - "I am with you, I will protect you. I have never let you down before and I am not about to start now". Just, TRUST IN ME."

Finally - for Christmas I received a little book called: "His Princess - Love Letters from Your King", by Sheri Rose Shepherd. As it would be breaching copyright for me to write out each letter, though I will at times just let you some of the promises God has given me through reading these `letters'. I do encourage you though to find this book and read it. It is one of the best discoveries you can make when you realize you are HIS PRINCESS. I believe there is one written for HIS PRINCES too, written by Sheri's husband. I intend to get it for my husband and son one of these days.

Come with me on a journey this year - a somewhat uncertain journey, but a journey of FAITH. With me, I pray you can make some discoveries and strengthen that bond that I hope you have with your Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

New Years Resolutions.

Do you make New Years resolutions? Why? Is it in the hope that the new year will be better than the last. Do you want to have a little control of your life?

Jeremiah reminds us: "I know, O Lord that the way of human beings is not in their control, that as mortals they cannot direc their steps." (10:23: NRSV)

He also reminds us: "I know the plans I have for you. says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope." (29:11: NRSV)

Whatever resolutions (plans) we may make for the new year, it is really comforting to know that God has better plans. I have read this verse in many different versions. Some say, "I will bless you with success" (CEV), "They are plans for good", (NLT), "plans to bring you prosperity" (GN), "plans to prosper you" (NIV) "plans for peace" (GWT). The one I love the most is "plans for your welfare".

I recently read this in the `New Revised Standard" version. I have had a difficult 2010 - no success, not very good, definetely no prosperity, and peace was a little hard at times too. But I am still here in 2011. God has taken care of my welfare, and I have learnt and grown a lot on the way. I still have a future with lots of HOPE. That word is the same in all versions.

Starting to make my New Year's resolutions I decided - better eating, more exercising and lots more bible reading, prayer and Blogging were important. So far so good, but how long it will last who knows. The last 2 days I have been getting up early for my Bible Reading, exercise and today - I tried some BLOGGING. But my husband has just awoken - "Where's my cup of tea", "I hope today you will clean the house", "That spare room looks worse than when you started tidying it up", "Come and have your breakfast with me".

So I leave you with this prayer that 2011 will be a good one - maybe not a lot of success, prosperity and peace in the times you would like them - but a year with LOTS OF HOPE!!